To marry or not to marry

[quote]Pincukas rašė:
yes I am a cynic Taip Šypsena
Tell me DarPo1, why you want to convince me that marriage is good ?

Because you asked me to convince you… Mirkt

You seem to be a wonderful, fun-loving person, and some girl would be very lucky to share your life with you. You are very resistant to settling for just one girl. If you’re young, then by all means, have fun. But you were very opposed to me playing matchmaker, that it certainly has become a challenge. Cha cha But don’t worry, I’ve promised not to do that for you anymore. Taip

thamks Gėlės Gėlės Gėlės Cha cha
Sometimes it is hard to be a bachelor Taip especialy when near me are a couple Cha cha .But life is a life and it is fun to live like I live now

Clues that you’ve found “the” person to marry - the person has these qualities:

Trust — When both partners trust each other implicitly, they are able to go through life with a tremendous amount of confidence and freedom.

Loyalty and commitment — Trust is built on a foundation of loyalty and commitment between the two partners. Many people get married with the concept that, "If I don’t like it, I’ll sleep around or get divorced." This is a recipe for disaster in any marriage. Marriage is about total commitment to your partner.

Helpfulness — Partners in a good marriage help each other constantly and accelerate their lives that way. Married life can be much easier than single life if both partners work together.

Friendship — Partners in a good marriage are good friends and gather strength and joy from that friendship.

Kindness— Partners in a good marriage are kind to one another out of love and friendship.

Patience and understanding — Partners in a good marriage understand and forgive each other for the mistakes that come from being human.

Acceptance and support — Partners in a good marriage accept one another and support each other constantly.

If a couple can maintain these qualities within the marriage, then success is much easier. Širdis

Reasons marriages fail:

Disagreements over money — If one person is frugal and the other is free-spending, the conflict that arises can be extremely difficult to manage.

Laziness — If one partner is not willing to put in the effort required to make a marriage work or keep the household functioning (financially or operationally), then the conflict that arises can cause a lot of stress.

Stubbornness — If one or both spouses refuse to compromise, then the marriage likely will not survive. Marriage depends on compromise.

Infidelity — The fundamental contract in marriage is "lifetime commitment to a single partner." If one partner breaks this contract, the marriage is over.

Disagreements over children — If one spouse wants children and the other does not, you simply should not be married. It is impossible to reconcile this difference because one partner is guaranteed to be dissatisfied.

Physical or mental abuse — The partner being abused should leave to maintain his or her own health and safety.

Addiction — Alcohol or drug addiction will destroy any marriage.

So, if these issues occur now, when you’re single, Sudužusi širdis don’t get married.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Marriage

Having discussed all of this aove, I say there are advantages and disadvantages to being married.

The advantages include: Širdis

Unconditional love, stability and consistency — You don’t have to worry about dating, breaking up, etc. There is one person you love and will love you for the rest of your life.

Lower cost of living — A married couple tends to have more free time and/or more money because the cost and work of a household are shared by two.

Confidence - It is very reassuring to know that there is a person who loves you and only you no matter what and who lives to be with you. That sort of commitment can give you a tremendous comfort and confidence.

The potential for children — Inside a stable marriage it is possible and extremely easy to have and raise children.

There are also disadvantages: Sudužusi širdis

You are locked in with a single person — If you like to be with a different person every week, marriage is not for you.

You give up a great deal of freedom — Every decision will now be a compromise between two people.

You are going to have to work to maintain and build your human qualities—Trust, loyalty, commitment, kindness, patience, etc. are not easy. You have to work at these skills every day in a marriage to become better at them. If you are not willing to put in the effort, you will fail in the marriage.

If you find that you cannot deal with one or more or the disadvantages, then that tells you that you should not get married.

I will print this your words DarPo1 Taip
Maybe someday I need them Cha cha Cha cha Cha cha Aš nekaltas

Pincukas, you are to young to disscus to marry or not. Your time will come. Do not think about it now. Just enjoy your bachelour life. Taurė Alus Moterys . Maybe you will remember your words after fewer years and who knows, what is waiting for you. NEVER SAY NEVER. Cha cha

be be be be Cha cha
You girls conspire here from me Cha cha Cha cha Cha cha Cha cha Cha cha

Well, Pincuk? Are my pros and cons suitable for you? Do you need more answers? Have I convinced you in one direction or the other? Mirkt I’ve worked hard on these lists… Cha cha

Don’t worry, liokajus. I’m not pushing marriage on him or anyone (not yet, at least). Cha cha He asked me to list my reasons, and then I would stop playing matchmaker. I stopped prior to the list, but it’s still fun to tease. Taip Cha cha

Maybe someday, you’ll both add to these list? ha, ha… Cha cha

This topic was found with that end, that everybody could express his opinion. I doubt if somebody will get merried after reading our convince. It is very interesting to read Pincukas’s excuses Cha cha Cha cha He really frightened with weadings. It is funny.

be be be be be be beeeeeeee Cha cha Cha cha Cha cha
I am frightened with weadings Cha cha Cha cha Cha cha Cha cha Cha cha
It is good for me to live alone and I don’t want change my life Taip.And thats is all. Taip

kuriu galu tuoktis? taigi gyventi ir taip galima. beje, patys susituoke pripazista, kad tai nieko nekeicia santykiuose. tai kam apsunkint ir taip sudetinga gyvenima? o dar ir vaidinti cirke, vestuvemis vadinamame?

[quote]2. You want to show each other that you are committed to only each other, not anyone else.

velgi, pats kvailiausias irodymas. i kaire vaikscioti galima ir susituokus nesunkiai. daug svarbiau zinojimas, o ne bandymas viesai tai demonstruot… cia tas pats, kas pirkti brangius papuosalus vien tam, kad pasirodyt ir pasipuikuot.

[quote]3. It’s more seriuos than just living together.

jokiu budu nesutinku. jei zmogus rimtai ziuri tiek i santykius, tiek i gyvenima, visiskai nesvarbu, susituoke ar ne. nuo vestuviu tai visiskai nepriklauso.

[quote]4. You want to raise a family together.

vaikus nesunkiai galima ir taip augint… vaikui reikia tevu, o ne antspaudo pase.

[quote]5. You share expenses together.

tarsi kartu gyvenant, kiekvienas perkasi tik sau…

[quote]6. You share the good and the bad together. Both clean the house, both clean the dishes, the bathrooms, etc. You make breakfasts and dinners for each other. (It’s not the woman’s job; it’s the couple’s job).

kartu gyveni, kartu tvarkaisi… jei jau daraisi valgyt, tikrai nesunku padaryt truputi daugiau, kad abiems uztektu… ir vedybos su tuo velgi visiskai nesusije…

[quote]7. The wedding ring is a symbol of eternal love, not a chain to your spouse.

man labiau patinka ziedai be jokiu simboliu. ir beje, nebuna nieko amzino. ypac jausmu.

[quote]8. You get to wake up and go to bed with your best friend every day. (Never go to bed angry - stay up and fight! Cha cha)

heh… o kuom skiriasi tai, kad tarkim as miegociau su mergina kasnakt nuo to, kad as miegociau su ta pacia mergina, tik tiek, kad ji oficiali zmona? kuom skiriasi? tai ka, drauga daro didesniu draugu? mergina geresne mergina? abejoju…

[quote]9. Your spouse understands "bad hair days", and other faults that might not be appealing to someone you’re just dating.

pati didziausia kvailyste. jei tavo pora yra nesupratinga(-s), jokios vedybos to nepakeis. ir beje, vedybos neduteikia teises apeliuot i visus tuos nesklandumus, isitikinus, kad tipo tave privalo suprast. cia nuo zmogaus priklauso.

[quote]10. Because you know in your heart that it’s the right thing to do.

pati didziausia kvailyste ir bereikalingiausias dalykas, del mano jau anksciau isvardytu priezasciu.

[quote]Širdis Bučkis Širdis


vat… nieko asmeniska, darpo1, paprasciausiai… na man viskas atrodo butent sitaipCha cha

o sitie tamstos isvardyti privalumai ir trukumai tinka bet kokiam bendravimui… nebutinai santuokai. jei pora gyvena kartu, jie nori nenori su tuo susiduria.

I am lazy to discus about weddings with my english Cha cha Taip.But how will say DarPo1 it is a good english practic for me Taip Cha cha Cha cha Cha cha

Pincukas, don’t you think, that somebody force you to get merried? Nonsense! Baisu I am not sure, that you could make a girl happy Sudužusi širdis with your opinion about marriage. Liūdna So do a favour to all girls and stay bachelour. Bučkis

liokajus, taves pasiklausius, tai merginos laimingos gali but tik istekejusios…Aš nekaltas

What terrible "najezdas" on my man honour Nustebęs .
You think I can’t Baisu Believe me I can Cha cha if I want I really can Taip. But I don’t need that Cha cha Cha cha Cha cha Cha cha Cha cha

Sorry, Pincukas, don’t be offended Gėlės I just meant, that nobody could be happy or make another happy by force.

sorry sorry Piktas Cha cha Šypsena Šypsena Šypsena. Believe me I neisizeidziau dar Cha cha Cha cha Cha cha Cha cha Cha cha.
If really I am tired of all talks around me about weddings.All wait my weddings Cha cha but I don’t want. Cha cha Cha cha Cha cha

pincuk, laikykisGeraiAlusnepasiduokCha chaCha cha