>>> EFC Dictionary <<<

Žliumbia I don’t understand what are you talking about?!

Thanks for information!!Cha chaCha cha

Tox negirdetas man…Ne


I have an idea. I think it would be useful for everybody if we tried to define the meaning of an English word in English. I have experienced that it’s one of the most effective ways to learn the language.

e.g.: fast food - hot food such as hamburgers, that a restaurant cooks and serves quickly to customers.

I know, sometimes one still cannot not grasp the meaning of the word. Then there could be the translation added…Šypsena

Hello I hope have a good contact Labas

heh… visu pirma, laba vel, tamsta mokytoja. jumi kaip tais dinginejote cia kuris laikas, tai galvojau jau gedula skelbt ir eit vainika pirkt dideliausia… bet matau pasirodet… ar cia tik jusu dusele vaidenasi?Cha chakaip šten bebutu, vat jumi bukietasGėlėGėlėGėlėmhmmm… arba krepselis, cia jau priklausomai nuo aplinkybiuCha cha

vat. o dabar pastebejimas apie anglisku terminu aiskinima velgi angliskai. gaugeliui is cia prasanciu pagalbos po to reiks aiskinti paaiskinimus ir t.t. ir panasiai… tad tiesioginis vertimas i lietuviu kalba manyciau butu pats tas, tad nefig cia vypendrivatsia, atsiprasau uz issireiskimaCha chaTaipTaipTaip

Kaip taisyklingai anglishkai pasakyti "Atsiprashau, kad kuri laika nerashiau" ?

[quote]KamiliuX rašė:

Gal kas zhinot, kas per rugshtis, ishvertus i lietuviu, yra "teichoic acid" ? Nekaltas

Deja, nesuprantu sito termino net angliskai. Nekaltas
http://www.google.com/search?lr=lang_lt&cr=&q=teichoic+acid&hl=en&amp ;ie=UTF-8&oe=utf-8

[quote]KamiliuX rašė:
Kaip taisyklingai anglishkai pasakyti "Atsiprashau, kad kuri laika nerashiau" ?

Sorry, that I have not replied until now…
Sorry, that I have not responded until today.
I apologize that some time has passed since our last correspondence…

t.t… Jei dar nerandi, ko ieskai, prasau leisk zinoti.

How to say correctly in english: "Skanaus!" ("Gero apetito")?

DarPo1 > thank you very much Šypsena

Good appetite! Niam niam Šypsena

kaip pasakyti "aš geriu kaip arklys. Išgeriu 2 litrus degtinės ir einu muštis…"Cha cha

gal "i’m drinking like a horse. When i drink 2 liters of vodka, then i go fighting" ?

paziuresiu kiek jus zinot zargono
ka reiskia Homeboy ,player

aš žinau, bet tegul expertai (darpo1, pr3ss) pasako… jie gi čia škafai… Nekaltas

[quote]Hennessy rašė:
paziuresiu kiek jus zinot zargono
ka reiskia Homeboy ,player

homeboy = geras draugas
player = zirgas Mirkt - arba vyras kuris vienu metu turi/draugauja/naudoja kelias merginas

am…and what is a ‘hidden agenda’? Nekaltas

Pazodziui tai bent jau ‘Paslepta dienotvarke’

what does it mean? "Your middle name". Maybe it is your second name? i don`t know so i want to get help