EFC Dictionary <<<
This will be a little online EF club’s dictionary. Just type your unknown word in the message, and we will try to help you
Have a nice day
Additional comment from moderator -
- Please use your word in a sentence. It’s easier for us to define it that way.
- Please ONLY post requests and replies in this topic. Thanks.
Hmm, very good idea ;] (what’s the write "idea"?)
That’s the write idea - Mintis, ideja.
[quote]SonyLee rašė:
Hmm, very good idea ;] (what’s the write "idea"?)
right = teisingas
write = rasyti
There are some great dictionaries in the "links" section. However, to help out:
This has a thesaurus, too.
or Lithuanian-English or English Lithuanian:
i wanna know what is: camb ?
In my job I often use such words as ,tikrinimas’’, ,ekspertize". Usulally I use ,examination’’ or ,testing". Is it right?
That’s really correct But you can also use word ‘checking’
right = teisingas
write = rasyti
O kaip deshine? Kiek zinau, tai irgi right, ar ne?
[quote]Kestas rašė:
right = teisingas
write = rasyti
O kaip deshine? Kiek zinau, tai irgi right, ar ne?
Yes, "right" also means opposite of left, which is "desine."
o camp?
(atrodo kad kempingas tai reiskia, bet zinau kad man ne sios reiksmes reikia )
use the word "camp" in a sentence…
cAMP - Cyclic adenosine monophosphate
from Alkonas:
camp [kmp]
Ä n
1 stovykla (t. p. prk.);
concentration camp koncentracijos stovykla
2 (turistų) sustojimo/nakvynės vieta; stovyklavietė;
to break/strike camp išsikelti, palikti stovyklos vietą
3 kareivinės, barakai; gyvenvietė
4 amer. vasarnamis, namelis (miške)
5 šnek. manieringumas, maivymasis
² to take into camp užmušti;
in the same camp vienodos galvosenos
Ä v
1 įsikurti/gyventi stovykloje; stovyklauti;
to camp out nakvoti palapinėje ar po atviru dangumi
2 gyventi be patogumų
² to camp it up šnek. manieringai elgtis, maivytis
Ä a šnek.
1 manieringas; beskonis, neskoningai apsirengęs
2 būdingas homoseksualistams
KamiliuX rašė:
cAMP - Cyclic adenosine monophosphate
it’s not that…hmm i want to now what “squed” means
i want to know what is: anansie
[quote]ZiebraZ rašė:
it’s not that…hmm i want to now what “squed” means
ZiebraZ!!! Please use the word you want us to define in a sentence. Are you sure you spelled the word correctly???
[quote]bowie123 rašė:
i want to know what is: anansie
What does the name Skunk Anansie mean?
Anansie is a spider from Jamaican folk stories.
cladding - plakiravimas
plakiravimas - padengimas tvirtesne medziaga
I will be happy, if this will be useful …
It will really be usefull