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Darbo aprašyme, pareigose viena iš ju:
To man front of house desk from station.

Rasau visa sakini. Our role is to promote the lifelong learning agenda throughout Leicestershire and beyond.
Ir dar: LILL embraces activities in every faculty and department and aim to serve private and public-sectors training needs as well as those of University’s own graduates.

In order to deliver lifelong learning the University has to be outward looking in the region

Mūsų vaidmuo yra pristatyti/skatinti/dar dievas žino kaip, aš sakinį suprantu, bet tiksliai versti tingiu/ mokymosi visą gyvenimą programą Leicestershire ir už jo ribų.

Antras… Jėzau… gal truputį vėliau, nes žiauriai tingiu tiek sukti smegenis… Nežinau

Thanks Gėlė anyway, dabar jau pradedu suprasti apie ka tas straipsnis- apie mokymasi visa gyvenima Taip

Ne tik… ech, vėliau išversiu.

Run courses - cia vel apie issilavinima-

[quote]liokajus rašė:
Darbo aprašyme, pareigose viena iš ju:
To man front of house desk from station.

“to man” - veiksmazodis - priziuret, dirbti… Nekaltas
I get to man the front of house desk from this station… Man teks priziuretu priekinio namo dalies stala is sito punkto.

lifelong learning -> visa gyvenima ismoksti is gyvenimo

It is really difficult Baisu
Thanks Gėlė

Gal naudok visa sakini…
To run tests → istyrineti
courses will run for 8 weeks… → klasiu eiga bus 8 savaites ilgumo;
couses will run every 2 weeks ->kursas bus kas 2 savaites…

is there some kind of a software english-lithuanian lithuanian-english translator?

You mean dictionary ? Nekaltas or all text translator? Nekaltas I’ve heard that “Tildes biuras 2004” has this possibility but I’m not sure Nekaltas

Jei internetinis, tai - http://alkonas.fotonija.lt

Ka reiskia "Sugar high"?

In one way it could mean school’s name, I think so Nekaltas

you should write all sentenceTaip

Sugar high is referred to the feeling one gets after eating lots of sugar. It describes kids who are very active after eating candy, etc.

You mean - hyper-active?

Hyperactive does not mean sugar high, but if you’re on a sugar high, you tend to act hyperactive. Taip