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na va vienoje temoje neitaikiau su prasymu, tai buvai atsiustas cia
Problemele iskilo>lyg ir su anglu neblogai(bet ne l.gerai), bet va direktorius uzsiprase, kad ishversciau pasveikinima tiutilki tiutilki Gal kam labai nesunkiai pavyktu ishversti:
Eina metai … Vieni kažką nusineša, kiti kažką dovanoja. Tegul šie metai atneš tik džiaugsmą,skaidrią nuotaiką, laimingas minutes ir paprastą žmogišką laimę.
Aciu is anksto
na va vienoje temoje neitaikiau su prasymu, tai buvai atsiustas cia
Problemele iskilo>lyg ir su anglu neblogai(bet ne l.gerai), bet va direktorius uzsiprase, kad ishversciau pasveikinima tiutilki tiutilki Gal kam labai nesunkiai pavyktu ishversti:
Eina metai … Vieni kažką nusineša, kiti kažką dovanoja. Tegul šie metai atneš tik džiaugsmą,skaidrią nuotaiką, laimingas minutes ir paprastą žmogišką laimę.
Aciu is anksto
What means awolve ?
savavališkai pasišalinęs/išvykęs
years going… One something (nusinesa-nzn) others some give gift.
toliau nzn
[quote]tomaziuks rašė:
Eina metai … Vieni kažką nusineša, kiti kažką dovanoja. Tegul šie metai atneš tik džiaugsmą,skaidrią nuotaiką, laimingas minutes ir paprastą žmogišką laimę.
Ateiti gali tema kurti, jei daugiau negu zodi (ar kelis zodzius) verti.
The years pass… Some years take something away, while other years bestow gifts upon you. May these years bring you only joy, sheer pleasure, cheerful minutes and down-to-earth happiness.
Na, kai kur pazodziu, kai kur ne… Skubejau …
I will be very thankful,if someone answers my question
What mean the word ‘stirring’/ Say me please some sinonimaus fot these word.
he denied of steeling money
she confessed about braking Jacks pen
They insisted me to have another drink
ar cia gerai daryba? man kazkaip lyg ir skamba
CrazyKitty - I see that your questions were answered in the topics.
[quote]Irifka rašė:
What mean the word ‘stirring’/ Say me please some sinonimaus fot these word.
Not a creature was stirring -> means that nothing was moving; everybody/everything was very still
To stir ->
stirring -> thesaurus:
[quote]Nebel rašė:
he denied of steeling money
she confessed about braking Jacks pen
They insisted me to have another drink
ar cia gerai daryba? man kazkaip lyg ir skamba
Man geriau skamba sitaip:
- He denied that he stole any money.
- She confessed about breaking Jack’s pen.
- They insisted that I have another drink.
might someone know some theory about prefixes -un, -in
un_honest? in_offensive? ir_rational un_critical? un_speakable? un_interested? in_sophisticated?
or maybe someone know the place on the net where I can read about this stuff
The negative prefix un– attaches chiefly to adjectives (unable, unclean, unequal, unripe, unsafe) and participles used as adjectives (unfeeling, unflinching, unfinished, unsaid), and less frequently to nouns (unbelief, unconcern, unrest). Sometimes the noun form of an adjective with the un– prefix has the prefix in–, as in inability, inequality, injustice, and instability. A few stems appear with both prefixes with distinctions of meaning. Inhuman means "brutal, monstrous," while unhuman means "not of human form, superhuman." •When used with adjectives, un– often has a sense distinct from that of non–. Non– picks out the set of things that are not in the category denoted by the stem to which it is attached, whereas un– picks out properties unlike those of the typical examples of the category. Thus nonmilitary personnel are those who are not members of the military, whereas someone who is unmilitary is unlike a typical soldier in dress, habits, or attitudes.
I’m writing an article about "bad hair day". How to translate this expression into Lithuanian?
maybe it will be:
As rasau straipsni apie bloga diena. ghm…really strange what exactly means that combination of words "bad hair day"
That strange combination I was asking to translate, not whole sentence
It’ll be ok if I translate this to "nepaklusniu plauku diena" or "klaikios sukuosenos diena"?
[quote]Geisha rašė:
I’m writing an article about "bad hair day". How to translate this expression into Lithuanian?
Bad hair day actually means a day when you can’t style your hair, or your hair doesn’t "listen" to you… I have too many bad hair days…
O lietuviskai? Pazodziu versk?..