nu as cia blogai issireiskiau, turejau galvoj kuri labiausiai patinka, nes kad confluxas geriausia tai cia savaime aisq
Megstamiausios? Tower - Castle - Rampart. Gerietis ash
Patinka man saudantys sitos pilies
Ka galite pasakyti apie zaidima "Kings Bounty", HOMM fanai
homm serijos pradininkas, tilpo i viena flopy, daugiau nezhinau ir nemachiau ash jo
jei norit pazhet kas chia do velnias, man tai visai patiko, ypach pati ideja
Na ZhukaSS esme jau pasake. Pats esu zhaides senai, senai (dar berods HoMM1 nebuvo). Kiek atsimenu, kitu resursu be $ nebuvo, o vietoj xp buvo leadership, kurio dydis ribojo armijos skaichiu pas tave. Zhaidzhiau Kings Bounty 2 (neoficialus, ruso darytas portas). Shiek tiek pataisyta grafika ir sunkesnis.
Taigi registracija jau prasidejo. Vilniui klube baze galima uzsiregistruot turnyras vyks 08.31 ir pusfinalis bei finalas 09.07. tai bus du sekmadieniai. del galutiniu taisykliu spresim kai bus mazdaug aiskus dalyviu skaicius siaip planuojama apie 14-20 zmoniu.
O kurios Heroes dalys jums patiko ?
NU pvz man tai labiausiai patiko pirmoji ir trechioji, antroji kazhkaip nelabai, o vat katvirtosios nelabai zaides
va kox jumoras nutiko beloshiant zone ishvadino mane dishonarable ir etc, kad suprastumet labiau apie ka eina kalba:
fortress vs stronghold
pirma savaite ishkrenta tazar, per 2 savaites jau turiu 3 fortresso pilis, visos pilnai ishtobulintos, jis turejo 3 tada skirtingas sake kad rado dar viena nu anyway lakiojau ash sau su tazaru linxmai be armijos rinkau visoki sh ir etc, kol staiga jis manes neuzhpuole nu armija jo buvo neperdedant keliasdeshimt kart stipresne nei mano praktishkai startine herojaus armija, na jis bande mane uzhmusht savaime suprantama, nu o ash parsidaviau(px tie 2k bet bent lizardmenu bishki ishlix ) bet priesh tai nuleidau ant jo magic arrow, po shito jis paliko zhaidima, shtai kox konversationas ivyko paskui:
neolithuanian> hey thats not fare
delmarus2> man why u use hit and run?
delmarus2> was abouve in rouls
neolithuanian> so what i was supposed to do?
delmarus2> just retreat without hitting
neolithuanian> wait till you will kill my best hero?
delmarus2> u hit
neolithuanian> 30 damage magic arrow
delmarus2> and then u retreat
neolithuanian> lol
delmarus2> ok
delmarus2> never do that again
neolithuanian> whats ok?
neolithuanian> why?
delmarus2> man here we dont play like this
delmarus2> with hit and run
delmarus2> is an important roule
neolithuanian> since when?
delmarus2> and soo dishonorable
delmarus2> man
delmarus2> im plaing here about 2 years
neolithuanian> you didnt see was is dishonorable
neolithuanian> solmyr with super spell power
neolithuanian> =)
delmarus2> sry man
neolithuanian> this is tactic, if you cant beat it, you arent good player
neolithuanian> =)
delmarus2> u dont play fair
delmarus2> nope
delmarus2> u rong
delmarus2> for rxample
neolithuanian> no im right
delmarus2> if we was use here
delmarus2> dd and fly
delmarus2> thats impotant also
delmarus2> if one of us have dd
delmarus2> he can trvel in all map
delmarus2> also fly
delmarus2> thats change the game and become unbalanced
delmarus2> u shoud learn more about general roul
delmarus2> and ask evryone
neolithuanian> blah, I can say one thing, these rules are for cowards, and about this hit and run(lol) i cant say nothing
delmarus2> about hit and run
delmarus2> sry man
delmarus2> go play with other player
delmarus2> who will accept yr rouls
delmarus2> u broke ower rouls u loose
delmarus2> ive lose
delmarus2> first time
delmarus2> when i styart playing also
delmarus2> i hit and run
delmarus2> same in yr situatipon
delmarus2> i was played with a veteran
delmarus2> has u see on handle
delmarus2> i was legionare last year
delmarus2> with shield silver holder
delmarus2> and now
delmarus2> u tell me those bul
delmarus2> ha ha
delmarus2> first think
neolithuanian> this idiotizm and you must face it
delmarus2> u shoud learn respect rouls man
delmarus2> if u want a game with honorable players
neolithuanian> for 30 dmg arrow you said that I broked some rule
delmarus2> then respect
delmarus2> if not go play with yr nobies
neolithuanian> I respect those who can use this tactic and with this tactic even without army kill oponents
delmarus2> yeahhhhhhhhhh haha
delmarus2> go play with them then
delmarus2> ill report to honor of council
delmarus2> man
delmarus2> u know whats mean turney
delmarus2> turney is turney
delmarus2> fun is fun
neolithuanian> hey
delmarus2> then go play for fun
delmarus2> if not turney
neolithuanian> what about then berserker?
neolithuanian> we must forbind him too?
delmarus2> np
delmarus2> is a spoell
delmarus2> i use one gamnre with it
neolithuanian> and resurection(expert)
delmarus2> verry good
neolithuanian> and many others thind
delmarus2> evrything is allowed
delmarus2> point is
neolithuanian> i losed more in that battle
delmarus2> not that about 30 damage
neolithuanian> because it was you who attacked me with 10 times lesser army
delmarus2> point is…how u act and how u see the game
delmarus2> do u think i mafde those rouls??
delmarus2> i learned from veterans also
neolithuanian> so because I can use hit and run tactic you say that I am dishonorable?
delmarus2> man
neolithuanian> how old are you?
delmarus2> u coud verry simple retreat in peace
delmarus2> 24
delmarus2> you?
neolithuanian> 19
delmarus2> nice
delmarus2> sry about this but i cant plaay with you
neolithuanian> i think
delmarus2> if u dont play with rouls
delmarus2> and u shoud learn respect them
neolithuanian> that you used this my not honoroble action to run from lse
neolithuanian> lose*
delmarus2> haha
delmarus2> haha
neolithuanian> you will be lose this game if not find some thing to quit it
neolithuanian> this is what i think
delmarus2> with 4 behem
delmarus2> hehehe
neolithuanian> against 3 fortress
neolithuanian> 8k income
delmarus2> in the next few days i was over yr castel
neolithuanian> and tazar
neolithuanian> you think you could take it?
neolithuanian> lol
delmarus2> i was coud take yr castels one by one
delmarus2> hahahahaha
neolithuanian> you would need 10 behemoths to do it
delmarus2> man
delmarus2> i was had also
delmarus2> 2 dungeon
delmarus2> was suppos eto take it
delmarus2> the next in next day
neolithuanian> you had 3 towns last time i checked
delmarus2> i was already start buit in first
delmarus2> i sayd
delmarus2> in the next day i was had to take other dungeon from under
delmarus2> so i was had 2 dungeon
neolithuanian> vs my 3 fortress
neolithuanian> and tazar
delmarus2> lol
delmarus2> man
delmarus2> think of units
delmarus2> minotaurs
neolithuanian> lmao
neolithuanian> all towns units are good
delmarus2> and also scorpycores
neolithuanian> if you using them right
delmarus2> r u learning me houw to play
delmarus2> haha
neolithuanian> you lose against me
delmarus2> oh gosh
delmarus2> my mistake i play with noobs
neolithuanian> and dont say that you dont
delmarus2> LOL
delmarus2> thats it
neolithuanian> yea lol, with your rules you can go play with n00bs once more
neolithuanian> and thin even more rules
delmarus2> man u will never find player without rouls
delmarus2> haha
neolithuanian> that h3 would be same like minesweeper
delmarus2> go play with king lish
delmarus2> he play with no rouls
neolithuanian> and i will
delmarus2> rouls r name
delmarus2> to make the game stabil
delmarus2> and not unbalanced
delmarus2> if u use diplo
neolithuanian> hit and run tactic, this is idiotizm
delmarus2> free army
delmarus2> fly or dd
delmarus2> again
delmarus2> crosing obstacles
delmarus2> this man is not fair
neolithuanian> yea, say to me why is hit and run is dishonorable
delmarus2> ofcource
delmarus2> u can come with much faster units on me
delmarus2> and f…k all the archers
delmarus2> and so
delmarus2> sry if u dont respect rouls
neolithuanian> did I this?
delmarus2> go find players who will play with no rouls
neolithuanian> I didnt ccame
neolithuanian> you came
neolithuanian> i just protect my self
delmarus2> no matter
delmarus2> ha
neolithuanian> so why da you attack me?
neolithuanian> this is more unhonorable imho
neolithuanian> you cam against me with 20 time more army
neolithuanian> did it was horoble?
neolithuanian> honorable I mean
neolithuanian> im waiting your explanaition
delmarus2> haaa
delmarus2> man u kill me
delmarus2> this is the most stupid think ive heard
delmarus2> ok enough
delmarus2> bye…ill go report
neolithuanian> your coward, this is my last words
na ka jus manot?
2 zhukaSS:
Del Hit’n’Run, tai ToH’e pastoviai kyla ginchai Vieniems - , kitiems - . Na bet chia shiek tiek ne i tema. O kalbant apie jusu partija - priklauso, pagal kokias taisykles zhaidete. Jei jis sake, kad "no H&R", tada viskas OK. Bet ir tai, ash tavo m. arrow nelaikychiau H&R. Atsimenu, tam pachiam ToH’e buvo diskutuojama apie panashia situacija - kova truko kelis roundus, o paskui 1 ish priehsininku "parsidave", priesh tai prasukes ar tai implo ar tai m. shover…Taigis. Imho, jis tiesiog bande gauti pergale bet kokiu budu - mate, kad nelaimes (visgi 3 tokios pat pilys), tai va ir sugalvojo priezhasti…Juokinga, ka tu jam pora vilku nukalei ar orka? Tau vel nusipirkt Tazar’a kainavo brangiau. Ir dar taip 2k ishleidai parsiduodamas, taigi labai geras atakos rezultatas (jam). Ash net 100dmg padaryma nelaikychiau H&R - neatsiperka, nebent kokius g. elfus dusintum
P.S. cool english pas jus buvo
P.P.S. O kaip kita partija (Stronghold (tu su Gird) vs. Fortress)? Ten irgi juokinga situacija buvo?
is kur gauti SoD ? mlia niekur nerandu, o ieskoti inete nervai nelaiko
Kas kas galit i koki ftp imest or something …
Siaip mano nuomone butu panasi i 90h. Akivaizdu, kad bichas uzsiparino be reikalo, nes nei jam zalos kazkokios buvo, nei ka. Siaip sudurniavo ir viskas.
Placiau noreciau pasneket apie ta taip daznai mineta "honour". Matai, Zhukass, jei tu is tikruju zaidei ten pirma kart, tai akivaizdu, kad nezinojai tokio susitarimo ir tavo priesininkui nederejo quitint. Bet tokio susitarimo negalima vadint kvailu. Daugelis turbut yra padares stipresni priesininka ta legendine taktika - 1 pheonix + armageddon, o tai toli grazu nera labai teisinga. Jei zmones yra susitare zaisti be "hit & run" ir tai ne vieno zaidejo sugalvotas bajeris - tau deretu prie to prisitaikyti. Juk ir busimo turnyro taisyklese yra keletas labai gincytinu momentu, pvz., kad ir su 4-5 lvl scrolais. O kas yra garbinga ir kas negarbinga - reliatyvi savoka. Pavyzdziui, ar garbinga priesininkui is po nosies nuvogt artefacta, kuris ji atsidauze, bet pritruko 1 square iki jo prieit? Arba ar yra garbinga mape su vandeniu paskandint priesininko laiva, kad jis negaletu isplaukt is salos? Zinoma, jei tai butu turnyras del kokiu 10k $ ne vienas turbut ne nesusimastytu. Taciau zaidziant, galima sakyt, draugu kompanijoj tokie navarotai yra nelabai garbingi, nors ir labai efektingi.
Reziume: Konkreciu atveju akivaizdu, kad sunku kaltinti musu kolega negarbingumu . Taciau deretu pripazint, kad nerasytos taisykles yra tokios pat svarbios, kaip ir oficialios. Todel, mano manymu, reiketu ju laikytis, nors ir kokios kvailos jos atrodytu.
NU zhukass uztaikei tu normaliai pagal mane tai jis bijojo gaut malku, tai neturejo prie ko prisikabint ir prisikabino prie tokio sudo kaip 30 dmg, geriausiai tai man patiko kai sake jog eis apie tave pranest. Ziauru cia
P.S english tai tikrai nereali abieju
Po ilgu kanchiu ir ieshkojimu pagaliau ir ash galiu loshti per ineta. Tiesa, hostint negaliu, bet ash ne godus
Pas mane situacija standartine - LAN, daug PC ir vienas ishorinis IP. Ir, skirtingai nuo zhuko aprashytos situacijos, ash neturejau priejimo prie routerio Bet turiu gera admin’a
Anyway, be portu forwardinimo tokioj situacijoj neisheis, niekaip. Skirtumas tas, kad uzhtenka 1 porto, norint losht h3 per ineta (nehostinant). Tas portas turetu buti intervale 2300-2400. Bet kuris. Default (turbut) h3 naudoja 2300 (jei neuzhimtas), bet keliese jau loshti ish to pachio LAN’o nebus galima, jei bus forwardinamas tik vienas 2300. So gaunasi 1 problema - kaip priverst h3 naudoti kazhkuri konkretu porta pastoviai (ir nebutinai 2300). Lucky me (and you) yra programele DXport ( ), kuri kaip tik ir skirta tokiems dalykams. Nurodom Start Port ir End Port ta pati (pvz. 2320) ir vualia, h3 sedi ant jo. LAN kaimynas gali pasiimti kita Aishq, nereikia pamirshti jo paforwardinti. ( adminui padeda tokiais atvejais ).
Norint buti ir host’u, reikes paforwardinti porta 47624. So "inetinis" hostas LAN’e gales buti tik 1, na bet chia ne problema, ar ne?
Na nelabvai ash gaudausi tuose dalykuose, bet skamba idomiai
Kada pasirodys naujausia dalis Heroes???
Ishejo kokia tai platinium dalis, bet ar ant LT yra- nzn
Is kur gauti geru Heroes 3 mapu? As parsisiunciau keleta bet tik vienas is tu buvo neblogas. Gal zinot koki gera saita???