Nudist beach. Do you prefer it to ordinary beach?

Nudist beach. Flirtas Do you prefer it to ordinary beach?

Summer is comming with hot sun and cold water. We like to spend our holiday in Baltic sea beaches. Some people prefer to swim or even to walk naked. They do not care what others talk about it.
Are those people brave or shameless creatures?

they are joing holiday time and allso breave

Well, I understand that people come to spend their holiday. So, if they feel good without any wear it’s not big problem Nekaltas Everybody is trying to relax as they want Laimingas

Have you ever swimed nacked? It’s a great feeling Gerai But only under one condition- nobody should wach Baisu

I don’t fink that they’re braveNekaltas

TaipTaipTaip RightGeraiMirkt

[quote]liokaje rašė:
Summer is comming with hot sun and cold water. We like to spend our holiday in Baltic sea beaches. Some people prefer to swim or even to walk nacked. They do not care what others talk about it.
Are those people brave or shameless creatures?


naked = nuogas

[quote]movano rašė:
they are joing holiday time and allso breave


I think you meant to write…
They are enjoying their holiday time and are also brave.
Please check your grammar! Baisu

[quote]liokaje rašė:
Have you ever swimed nacked? It’s a great feeling Gerai But only under one condition- nobody should wach Baisu


Quiz about "to swim"

Rules for irregular verbs

Infinitive - Simple Present- Simple Past- Past Participle - Present Participle
to swim - swim/swims - swam - swum - swimming

I think Meras knows (or should know Mirkt) this one very well! Cha cha

[quote]liokaje rašė:
Have you ever swimed nacked? It’s a great feeling Gerai But only under one condition- nobody should wach Baisu

Juokiasi Swimming naked is GREAT! And there’s the danger of getting caught that makes it so much more fun! Mirkt Liežuvis Cha cha Juokiasi

It’s your choice Mirkt

They are very brave. And those guys who lurk ir parks seeking women to show them their "captains" are the bravest ones. All time bravest men waste their potential near, say, VU Physics faculty in Saulėtekis… What a loss…

Nature created us naked. Apakęs Why should we be shame ? ??? But we are. Drovus You are talking about diferent things. Does naked beautiful girls is something terrible? Or is there any relation with your example?

…oh, I havn’t ever been in nudist beach, and I dont want in future, because ordinary beach is enough to me Laimingas

[quote]DarPo1 rašė:

[quote]liokaje rašė: Have you ever swimed nacked? It’s a great feeling Gerai But only under one condition- nobody should wach Baisu

Juokiasi Swimming naked is GREAT! And there’s the danger of getting caught that makes it so much more fun! Mirkt Liežuvis Cha cha Juokiasi


caught by? Apakęs shark?

[quote]Telenor rašė:

[quote]DarPo1 rašė:

[quote]liokaje rašė: Have you ever swimed nacked? It’s a great feeling Gerai But only under one condition- nobody should wach Baisu

Juokiasi Swimming naked is GREAT! And there’s the danger of getting caught that makes it so much more fun! Mirkt Liežuvis Cha cha Juokiasi


caught by? Apakęs shark?

cought by other people I thinkMirkt

People, sharks… Where’s the difference?

People are dressed Juokiasi

[quote]Boogiez rašė:

cought by other people I thinkMirkt

People, sharks… Where’s the difference?

sometimes people can hurt you much more than sharks Mirkt