Nudist beach. Do you prefer it to ordinary beach?

I’ve been at beaches where I’m the only one wearing clothing… so you look stranger Baisu with a bathing suit than naked. Juokiasi Other times… it’s fun to find an empty beach… and swim freely. Mirkt Cha cha

if you wanna be in the focus of attention, so it is not a problem at all…!Cha cha i think soNekaltas

No f way.

People, sharks… Where’s the difference?

sometimes people can hurt you much more than sharks Mirkt


I agree with youTaipNustebęs

sometimes people can hurt you much more than sharks Mirkt


I accept with youTaipNustebęs


klaida: accept - priimti. [dovana, pan.]
agree - sutikti [ su nuomone ]

¨¨if you have a beautiful body-why not?¨¨

That is the point Apakęs

It’s not about having a perfect body. I sure don’t have one. And I don’t go flaunting on beaches. But if you’re the only one on a beach, where many Moteris are not wearing tops, you look stranger wearing one, regardless of your physique.

I prefer private beaches, where nobody else would be around… Flirtas

Ah - an article in yesterday’s news…

Naked Travel Market Is Taking Off, Nudists Say

May 14, 9:52 am ET

By Jane Sutton
MIAMI (Reuters) - When Nancy Tiemann reluctantly took her first nude cruise, she figured she could hide in her cabin and read books if her shipmates turned out to be "a bunch of crazy people."

She ended up enjoying it so much that she and her husband opened a travel agency that has sent 15,000 naked people on cruises and claims a hefty 70 percent repeat customer rate.

While much of the tourism industry has struggled through recession, war and terrorist threats, the nudist niche is taking off. Naked recreation and travel is a $400 million industry worldwide, up from $120 million in 1992, according to the American Association for Nude Recreation.

Enthusiasts say social nudity is a rapid equalizer that leads to easy camaraderie.

"You don’t know a bank president from a bus driver," said Erich Schuttauf, the AANR’s executive director. "People just tend to be more personal; they drop some of their guard down."

The AANR, North America’s oldest and largest nudist association, has seen its membership rise by 75 percent in the last decade, to about 50,000. Thirty new nudist or clothing-optional clubs have opened in the United States and Canada in the last two years, the association said.

The high-pressure work world is driving some of that growth, especially among affluent professionals.

"You drop your clothes and you say ‘I’m on vacation now,’ and you get into relaxation mode really fast," said Schuttauf, a lawyer who began visiting a nudist club on weekends to escape the stress of a high-profile firm.

Media coverage of events such as this month’s chartered flight from Miami to Cancun for 87 bare-bodied passengers has also piqued curiosity, industry officials say.


"Maybe Americans are taking a little bit more of a European attitude toward nudity. Accepting yourself is very healthy," said Debra Peterson, marketing manager for Florida’s Cypress Cove nudist resort.

At the industry’s annual open house, Nude Recreation Week, 260 nudist and clothes-optional clubs in the United States and Canada will open their doors and drop their fees to give first-timers a glimpse from July 7 to 13.

Barbecues, limbo contests and golf matches are planned along with orientation tours. Visitors are coached on rules and etiquette – carry a towel to sit on, look people in the EYES, wear supportive and protective gear as needed.

"If you’re using the barbecue grill then obviously you’re going to put something on," Schuttauf said.

Nudist resorts run the gamut from modest campgrounds to luxury villas with posh amenities. At the 300-acre Cypress Cove resort, guests often spend the day strolling nearby Disney World, then drop their duds for a dip in the pool, a pedicure in the spa or a pick-me-up at Cheeks Bar and Grill.

Some devotees live full-time at nudist communities, but for most it’s a weekend and vacation pursuit.

The Buff Divers, with 300 club members worldwide, organize three or four naked scuba vacations a year, traveling to premier warm-water sites like Fiji and the Cayman Islands.

"It’s exhilarating," said Dave Felton, who runs the nonprofit club. "When all you’ve got to do is strap on a tank and go down, it’s a freedom that most divers never experience."

Tiemann took her first nude voyage after she and her husband had to postpone a boat trip and found the vessel mostly filled by a nudist club on the only week they were free.

"I, at first, was totally opposed, but we both needed to get away," she said. "We found some really nice people, far less pretentious and uptight than the people we met on many of our trips."


She and her husband opened Bare Necessities Tour & Travel in Austin, Texas, courting "the well-to-do naturist traveler."

Thirteen years later, they’ve sent 15,000 naked people on cruises, chartering vessels from mainstream lines. They chartered Carnival’s ship Ecstasy earlier this year for a 10-day, 2,000-passenger nude cruise from California to Puerto Vallarta and other Mexican ports.

"We do them as a full-ship charter. Obviously you can’t mix nonparticipants with a group like this," said Carnival spokeswoman Jennifer de la Cruz.

Most nudist groups embrace the motto "nude is not lewd," battling suspicions that nudity equals sexual licentiousness.

Generally, it’s the women who have to be reassured they won’t be pawed by strangers or ridiculed if their bodies aren’t centerfold-perfect, Tiemann said.

"If mama doesn’t go, nobody goes. So you’ve got to convince her this is a safe thing," she said.

I don’t have nothing against the nudity but I don’t like only to lie on the beach. I prefer playing, walking or fishing…
Sunbathing is not very healthy thing.

I don’t prefer any beach at all Baisu

[quote]vk_ rašė:
I don’t have nothing against the nudity but I don’t like only to lie on the beach. I prefer playing, walking or fishing…
Sunbathing is not a very healthy thing.


vk_ - To write correctly in English, you must avoid the double negative. In Lithuanian, one has to write 'As nieko pries neturiu.. Double negative. However, in English, one negative cancels the other out, making it a positive statement - I have something against…. Understand?

Well… I don’t think I would be able to hide my interest in the opposite sex Cha cha Cha cha when being naked and see others being naked Šypsena Apakęs Cha cha

I have known it. Liūdnas

laikas biski labai ne tasNekaltas

Tai aš jau pataisiau kartą. Dabar pataisyk tu, nes vistiek nieko gero neveiki. Šypsena

I knowed it? Nekaltas

taisyti olo tingi.

o jumi jei turit, pasitikrinkit veiksmazodziu formas. Šypsena

Tai visa bėda ir yra iš to, kad neturiu.
Parašiau "knowed", pasirodė įtartina, pertaisiau į "has known". paieškojau komp. žodyne ir radau tik formas "know" ir "known" (p.p.), o antros formos neradauŽliumbia.
Blyn, reiks ryt susitaisyt gerą nulūžusį komp. žodyną. Nustebęs

Tai sakai "I knew it". Pasirodo, trečias mano turimas komp. žodynas (Collins) duoda visas formas. Laimingas

Šiaip jau, o kodėl šiuo atveju negalima naudoti Present Perfect laiku? Aš maniau, kad tai gal ne geriausias variantas, bet galimas.