siurpus zaidimas net adrenalinas prasidejo kai tiek daug nuejau… kraujo labai siurpiai kraujas atrodo
zombiai slyksciausi… kruvini vaiksto…
del tokio zaidimo kaip HL2 perku nauja vaizduske radeon x800.
vat del to ir neverta siust,kam nervus gadint jei kam reikia hl2 rasykit i privata
NIKE bet tu ish kauno man netinka.
tai miestas cia neproblema
Vietiniam tinkle radau HL2, 3.92Gb užima 85 *.rar failai. Normali versija? Verta archyvuoti ir t.t.?
ir kokiame gi tu tinkle???
šiandien ryte pradėjau žaist. dabar patekau į požemius, ammo ne per daugiausiai, bet gravity gun valdo
O šiaip greitai gauni ta graviti gun?
Keletas komandų: Listed below are the known tweaks for Half-life 2 Create a new text document in “C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\<your steam username>\half-life 2\hl2\cfg” (or wherever you installed HL2) called “autoexec.cfg”. Open this file in notepad, and add the following lines: snd_mixahead “0.7” (Reduces audio stuttering.) sv_autosave “0” (Disables autosaves at start of level.) sv_forcepreload “1” (Preloads game assets at start of level.) cl_forcepreload “1” (Preloads game assets at start of level.) cl_smooth “0” (Disables client-side smoothing.) cl_ragdoll_collide 1 (Enables collision detection between ragdoll models.) snd_async_fullyasync “1” (Desyncs sound. I personally do not use this.) r_lod “-2” (slight increase in image quality without decrease in framerate.) Note that for the command snd_mixahead, there is no “ideal” value. Different setups work best with different values. The most common ones are 0.4, 0.5, and 0.7. To completely disable autosaves, go to “C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\<your steam username>\half-life 2\hl2\SAVE” (or wherever you installed HL2) and set the following 4 files to read-only: autosave01.sav autosave01.tga autosave.sav autosave.t ga This stops the game jerking everytime it autosaves at checkpoints in levels. Remember to manually quicksave, though. Command line Parameters: To add these, right click on your HL2 shortcut icon, select “properties”, and look for the line called “target”. It should look like this: “C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\Steam.exe” -applaunch 220 Add the following behind it: -heapsize 512000 (modify this number to at most half of your total RAM in Kbytes.) +map_background none (this lets you start the game without the fancy menu background.) After editing, the line should look like this: “C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\Steam.exe” -applaunch 220 -heapsize 384000 +map_background none For those of you who launch HL2 via the steam interface, use the following method for adding command line parameters: Open Steam > Play Games Right Click on “Half-Life 2” and choose “Properties” This should pop up a window that will have a “Launch Options” button. Click that and add the above parameters. To defrag HL2’s massive 1 gigabyte sound-file, download the program “Contig” from here: Using this program (instructions on the website), ensure that the file “C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\source sounds.gcf” is in one continguous segment. This speeds up read-times when fetching sounds during gameplay. Ir dainuška -
Nei greit, nei vėlai…
Kaip paziureti kadru skaiciu per half life 2? Ka rasyti konsoleje? ir kaip po to nuimti kad neberodytu?
Viskas gerai išsiekstraktino, truputį pažaidžiau. Dar tik pati pradžia tai vaikščiot nusibosta, vėliau reikės prisėst ir normaliau į jį pažiūrėt. Bet vien iš pirmo žvilgsnio matosi, geras varikliukas, nebugovas. Ant 1024*768 + low FPS sukosi nuo 20 iki dažniausiai 60-80. Palyginus su D3, tai šitas varikliukas - rojus. Respect.
gal kas zinot is kur parsipust is ftp, ne p2p nes is p2p kancia siusti… buciau dekingas.?
labai mazai dar zaidziau, bet uz d3 gerew
Vaikai visi i lovas rytoj pakalbesit labanaktis visiems…
vajė, esu kokiam tai kalėjime, gavau neperseniausiai tikį kamuoliuką, kur tuos padarus kurie iš po žemės lenda galiu priviliot. kūl. einu miegot. bet šiaip TIKRAI BAISUS ŽAIDIMAS. ypač ten kur aš esu. muzika + šešėliai + klyksmai… bū