Any thoughts about Aquarium2? <img border=0 src="i/xsmiles/smile1.gif" alt="Šypsena">

i like the only person there Šypsena D. Butkute Šypsena Labas

Cha cha Cha cha Cha cha Gerai

…&quot;vienas namuose tu darai kanori &quot;…

though I don’t like her music… not at all

Butkute … She borned near my native town. I like her some songs and I don’t believe in all common talks about her

Where are you from?

[quote]Pincukas rašė:
Butkute … She borned near my native town. I like her some songs and I don’t believe in all common talks about her

She was born near my hometown… and I don’t believe in all the gossip that’s said about her.

There is no action at all in that aquarium today …

mis the biggest ant the most terrible nose ever - GINTARE Cha cha

I agree with you … perhaps Kristina Orbakaite could compete with her in this field?
Thanks God that they voted he out…

At least this aqua is much more interesting than first part. It was terrible. Last time there were only common persons and now there live stars. They’re not very well known, but still. They’re 100 times friendlier than last aqua participators. I oppose their position about sex. It can not be like eating. Four times a day! When watchin’ TV, listening to music or playing PC. Their family wouldn’t be happy if they’d marry. They’d divorce after three weaks of mutual life. But show is not bad. AND, there was very similar show in Russia, Moscow. Participators also had sex. And noone shouted a word. Are we less liberalized than Russians???

Was that Russian show called &quot;Za Steklom&quot;?
I can’t say anything about aquarium 1 'coz I didn’t see it at all…

Yes, it’s name was &quot;za steklom&quot;. U saw it?

yes! that was a very great show… much higher ‘quality’ than our aquarium!

Are they going to finish that show someday? 'coz everytime I switch on internet broadcasting - 6 persons are sitting there. It seems that they throw one person a week but new person appears … some kind of status quo

yes, every time that one is kicked out, another comes to occupy his place.

So what is the point of the game??? To sit there for 3 years? Šypsena

No! They’re feeling huge physical discomfort! Thats why they had sex, Jolita lost her job because she accepted to participate this reality show. She cried and anathore participator - Stano, had to cheer her up. And ther are many of such situations. Glass house is not the best palce to live. And their ratings will fall.b For example: singers. Now everybody will see what like they’re in real life. It’s not the best picture, believe me…Taip

to TeezEx - I had to modify 2 words in your previous paragraph. Please don’t use profanities. Thanks.

oh, famous flooder Šypsena hello Šypsena starting your games again?

last corrections before leaving… Šypsena