Any thoughts about Aquarium2? <img border=0 src="i/xsmiles/smile1.gif" alt="Šypsena">

Cha cha yep I think so too Taip

We have one opinion. Or maybe we are to old? Maybe they just have fun?

[quote]liokajus rašė:
We have one opinion. Or maybe we are to old? Maybe they just have fun?

We are NEVER too old. Age is mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. Mirkt It’s all attitude, self-respect, morals, being shallow (pavirsutiniska), etc.

We are not too old. Ne

You are right. Gėlės

ir juokauti reikia su protu Taip, o tai po to ne tik su darbu gali atsisveikint Cha cha

Now we have honourable way out. Psichas has intention to marry. Širdis Cha cha Och we Lithuanians, we forced even our premier to marry Širdis , and now Psichas. Poor guy was expected at least five yars of bachelor’s Moterys Širdis Bučkis Alus life. Liūdna

He did not marry anyway Šypsena

I saw them LIVE in Akropolis… weird

It was so romantic engagements’ ring on the toe Cha cha Cha cha
Telenor, please tell more about their life in the aquarium. Was it interesting?

aquarium or glass cage seems to be smaller in reality, not so spacious as it may seem from TV. What did I see? All sitting in the living room and singing… It’s a pity that there are no loudspeakers outside…

How long did you watch them? Was it worth to go to the Acropolis with purpose to see those people?

How it is possible to live in such aquarium?

It is not a life, it is a show. They all will be famous after this show. Kietas

When i was in &quot;Brodvejus&quot; I saw Zanos and Robkes show(from the first aquarium). Yes they are famouse, but not like stars.And people will forget them…

I don’t even know about whom are you talking about…

10-15 minutes… don’t know if it’s worth going there only to watch them… but if u have other things to do there as well [like I had] … then why not…

I am talking about aquarium1 and them members Robertas and Zana Cha cha Cha cha Cha cha. They looks silly when they mince in the stage Taip .It is show Cha cha Cha cha Cha cha

ah, I see what do u mean. I’ve never seen part1 Aš nekaltas

I started to wach aguarium om TV several times, but get bored in five minutes.

If you were here … where I am now = you would get bored in 25 seconds…

Aha, nothing interesting there Taip