Ynos pakeite lyti :D

Ynos pakeite lyti :smiley:

Dabar darau kvestu serija kalejime kur reikia “dirbti” po priedanga Cha cha

Hehe, gerai atrodo Cha chaDeja, RIFTo dienos man pasibaigs 10d. Orai geri, prasides neuzilgo futbolo megeju lyga, su komanda leksim zaist, treniruotes. Nebelieka laiko RIFTui visai. Jei kokia trauma gausiu prasitesiu tada Šypsena

Pameginta, laimei neuzkabino, lauksim siltu oru be mmorpg ŠypsenaP.S kazkaip uzkliuvo nemazai apipavidalinimo panasumu i wow.

Sneaker, o tu nemazai kuo panasus i daugeli zmoniu Cha cha Visi mmorpg vieni i kitus panasus, vieni daugiau kiti maziau Šypsena

O tai yra to RIFT’o trialas kazkoks?

I tema uzeik nors karta neklausinejas.

na nesiruosiu skaityti 13psl, geriau neburbejas butum iskart pasakes.

RIFT is holding a special Allies of the Ascended event. As my chosen ally, you can use this code to join me during the dates below, free of charge! Heed my call, and together we shall battle the Blood Storm! Event Dates 10am PDT April 8, 2011 through 10am PDT April 11, 2011 Ally Code MYZN-92PD-GMMM-DJY6-EPQ9 Visit www.RIFTgame.com/en/ally instructions on how to apply your Ally Code and to download the RIFT patcher.