Writing a paragraph?

Writing a paragraph?

Gal kas turit pavyzdiu ar aptarimu kaip juso reiktu taisiklingai rasyt? Kokias guudrybes naudot… laukia egzas, tai noreciau gerai islaikyt Šypsena

Geriausias budas ismokti,tai klausyti mokytojos,kai aiskina,o poto paciam bandyti rasyti.Tai visai nesunku.Tada nereikes klausineti,kaip rasyti.

Rasant paragraph, imho, svarbiausia nenukripti nuo "topic sentence", "develop your idea" kiekvienu sakiniu, ir padaryti tinkama isvada paskutiniajame sakinyje.

Mane labiau jaudina valstybiniai vertinimo kriterijai. Gauti maksimuma neimanoma, nes vertintojas, bijodamas suklisti, darbo neivertins kaip "perfect", nes kas yra tas "perfect"? Vienam atrodo, kad tema atskleista "perfect", o kitam "very good", o tasko jau ir nebera…

Todel tik vienas zmogas Lietuvoj gavo maksimuma…

I am sorry, but what is that "paragraph"?

Paragraph is the part of English "Valstybinis" exam…

I understand that, but what do you have to do in this part?

Mano ziniomis siemet bus essay vietoj paragraph,o tai- keletas mazuciu paragraphs.Ruoskis vaikine.Ir dar reikia moketi ir CV,letter of complaint etc.parasyti.Neuzsiciklink tik ant paragraph!

O geriausiai nusipirk tokia knyga "write right" ir ten viska rasi ko tau reikia Šypsena

Is kur tu zinai, kad vietoj paragrafo bus essay…?Pavargęs

nu kajpgi…bus paragraph…essay taj kitajs metajs darŠypsena arba mus saunej apgawoCha cha
essay sejs metajs bus sse rigos testuose wat syta zinauŠypsena
o beje what are the rules of writing an essay?Laimingas

Kiek as zinau, siaip tai paragrafas turetu but, musu mokytoja mus jam ir ruosia…Nekaltas
Apie jokia ese negirdejau, mokytoja buvo puse zodzio uzsiminus, bet tik tiek…Jeigu kas turit daugiau info…netylekit…soris kad not in English…Liežuvis

The first sentence in a paragraph is the so-called topic sentence. Here the author of a paragraph reveals the idea he wants to discuss. For example, "People have different phobias" might serve as a topic sentence. In the following sentences of a paragraph one might discuss different kinds of phobias, group them, compare them with each other (it depends on the author which method he/she chooses), starting every sentence with "first of all", "also", "moreover" and others, and "finally". The last sentence of a paragraph starts with "in conclusion", "to sum it up", "to summarise" etc. where the author either summarises what has been discused, or simply repeats the topic sentence in other words.
By the way, if you are going to take an exam in English, I highly recommend you chating here in English. Šypsena

Thank you for your help.
I’m goin’ to take a "valstybinis" exam, bet our teacher is so dump, that she is not teaching us to write paragraphs, so thank you again…

Gerai,jau gerai.Buvau rimtam seminare,ten mums ir pasake.O siaip pasiziurekite i siu metu uzsienio kalbu egzaminu reikalavimus,ten viskas surasyta,ka reikia zinoti writing’o egzui."Enterprise 4" yra neblogos medziagos su planeliais,pavyzdziais ir kt.

Today i was writing a paragraph in School. Topic sentence "If i met my old friend"…it was one of the easiest writeing, becouse i wrote everytihing from the heart…Cha cha Cha cha i mean the from the real situation… Kietas Kietas

…my english teacher never stops repeating that linking words are very important while writing a paragraph. Well linking words are all these:
first of all, to start with, initially (beginning)
afterwards, before this (continuing)
finally, last but not least, eventually (concluding)
if,in case,providing,only if,assuming that (condition)
concequently,for this reason (consequense)
as, since, on the grounds that, seeing that, due to (cause/reason)
likewise, equally (similarity)

and many many moreLaimingas

Thnx už patarimus, rytoj rašysiu kaip tik testą iš parapgraph writing…


It’s also important for the paragraph to be consistent and flow like a thought, but it depends on how long you have to make it.

Do you know that this year is going to be essay, but not the paragraph…