Why do you like/dislike Autumn?

Well, at least she wrote it in English…

dar viena is dangaus nukritoNekaltas

Is the title of this topic correct? Or has an article to be added before ‘Autumn’?

i think it’s correctMirkt

hm…strange feelings come over me then Autumn is coming…i’m sad and happy too. it’s ok while studies don’t begin to kill me,it’s good cause i can meet all my friends and finally it’s ok cause my birthday is in AutumnŠypsena…but it’s bad cause the weather is getting worse and with rainy weather comes sad mood,and i always catch a cold in Autumn! Pavargęsand this makes me nervousKanda
so…this is just my opinion…
p.s. sorry for my english,i haven’t used it for long…Nekaltas

well …Now is my opion… i like autum, becouse is perfect then leaves drop down, and on the ground you can see many diferent color with leaves… I like autum, becouse I can walk in littile pools and it`s funny, I like rain, and in autum there are many rain…

i can say that i like summer and dislike winter,so autumn isn’t meaningful or special for me Nekaltasautumn relates for me with new schoolyear,and colourful trees Šypsenathere are no special feelings during autumn Liežuvisit’s like always Nekaltas

Colourful trees are only one short moment of the Autumn. Some time we have green trees and for a long time we have bare trees during the Autumn. Colourful trees or leaves are one of most popular stereotype about Autumn.

yes, certainly. it’s short but very beauteous period.Nekaltas

Do you like Indian summer?

what’s that?Nekaltas
you mean summer in india or something?

Indian summer - "bobų vasara".

ohCha cha yes, certainlyŠypsena i like itMirkt

rain Veee, cold windVeee, mud all aroundVeee, only one nice in autumn is colour leavesMyliu

vynas, gera kompanija, truputis nostalgijos

Pradedi kartotis… BaisuApakęsJuokiasiLabas

kokie klausimai, tokie ir atsakymai

No, dear, you have repeated your answer twice in this one topic.

  1. nuo familiarumu prasyciau susilaikyt

  2. zr. ankstesni posta.

  1. Kokie familiarumai? Apakęs Gi neparašiau "hey, sweetie", nors gal kitąkart reikės… Juokiasi
  2. Jei neturi ką pasakyt, tai niekas tavęs neverčia kažką sakyt. Juolab neangliškai (angliškai galima).
  3. Žiūrėk 2-ą punktą…