What Is Love For You?

I hate love and at the same time I wish I was in love ŠirdisSudužusi širdis

Love…ŠirdisSun of my lifeAngelas

Love is nothing for me, but in whole it’s a very strong feeling of atchment to another person(hopefully)

In whole - in general.Mirkt

I hopes I’ll have only one love in my life. Other girls will be only an adventure. I hate when girls writes SMS that she likes me and wants to love. I hate when schoolboys make love, they are too young. I hopes they just playing.

If to love then to love with the heart.

it’s very interesting…
males do not believe that love egsist.it is just attraction,an adventure,something,but not feelings,or feelings for a short time…
females talking about very especial feeling in their stomach,about a big life secret…

i think boys are realists,and girls… hm.
girls are dreamers.

i don’t know what i could tell u about love from girls side(that i am) YET. Laimingas

taip. patinai ir pateles TaipCha chaCha chaCha cha

love is only a feeling, like in the songLaimingas well, I think love is not only a fascination, but also trust and other things, that’s why I don’t believe in love at first sight.

Uh, don’t get me started on this topic. Love… I’ve been trying (clumsily and unsuccessfully) to find out what it is but… It’s the most unexplainable, unapproachable, indefinable thing in the whole universe. It’s a shame I still haven’t felt mutual love (tough luck, maybe? or smth else), but of course I had that painful experience of unrequited love. What can I say. Love is something people will always talk about, think about and make Liežuvis We don’t know the exact scientific explanation for how it works (though we have for most other things) and that’s the reason why we admire it so much. Mystery is the key, probably. Anyways, I guess you can say I’m not yet “qualified” enough to fully understand it. Well, catch me a few years later somewhere around, maybe I’ll already be writing a formula defining love… Kietas I mean, Einstein did it with reliativity, why can’t the same be done with love? Liežuvis(don’t hate me for being silly - look at the time I wrote this post Cha cha)

love is crazy love is cool f*** the teachers f*** the school Myliu Juokiasiwell actually it sounds silly! Nekaltas cuz there are many more deffinitions for explaning what love is. i personally think that love is something like spooky kind of illness… Myliu sometimes it feels really good,but sometimes it can hurt,bring you down or even kill… Apakęs Nekaltas love is one of the most strong feelings in the world! Taip and it is very beautiful,romantic,crazy,strange,funny,hopeless and so on…it is sort of feeling that can last very long and sometimes be eternal! Širdis well,actually it is interesting and exiting topic and i’ve got much more to say,but i’m afraid that people can get bored reading my comment!so that’s all! Mirkt

I think you got me wrong. My whole idea was that there’s no scientific formula defining love (like E=MC2 and so on), what exact elements it consists of and, basically, what “ingredients” do we need if we want to create love from scratch Šypsena I know that sounds nutty, and I noted it myself in my last post, but I certainly didn’t mean to say that we can’t find any adjectives or other picturesque words to describe love. Now please let me watch basketball Cha cha

i didn’t mean any formula… Drovus i meant some adjectives to describe love! Cha cha

I guess we can call it a misunderstanding, and leave it there, because I’m too tired to repeat stuff and rewind in my mind what a hell was I thinking last night at 2 a.m. MirktI think we both agree that world would be horrible without love. In the end, it’s not necessary to look for definitions. Let’s just enjoy the feeling Šypsena

some kind of psychosis Nekaltas


The way of living.

I love love.

Everybody love understand differently… but I believe that there are two people in the world that view in love is the same…so if they found each other they could enjoy their love Apkabinimas

Love is nothing to me.so far. if talking not about parents, etc. love.

piece of shit Cha cha