What did you do today?

What did you do today?

What did you do today? What was your day??? What did you get to know?

Today I was at school… and i got to know from "Banga" that some terrorists of "al Qaeda" were caught in one Afganistan city by Pakistan and American Police! And the news said that Osama bin Laden can`t hide further!

this day was the rexaling day ! Gerai

while today i haven’t any lectures and yesterday i have been in brodvejus, so today’s morning was a bit hard . Juokiasi

so relax ! relax everyone ! Mirkt

it’s relax when u play with computer? Apakęs
ok tnx for news i will relax always like that Cha cha

Went to do some shoppinh…Nekaltas

nopp Cha cha there are and better ways for relaxing, for example deliciuos dish also AlusTaurė and ofcourse Moteris


It was difficult day Nežinau I’m tired Baisu

Work, work and let’s see hmm… more work? Meeting frieds… At least the weekend’s near!!!

Have fun!Cha cha

yeah… weekend finally! and i have 4 days of it! now isn’t that great or what?! Cha chaCha chaCha cha

Sent my résumé (CV) to companies…

well there’s nothin we can do now but wish u luck. so,

Thanks, gendalfai! Lucky you! 4 days of vacation… I want vacation, too, but paid vacation… Nekaltas Hopefully soon…

yeah… hopefully soon.

and my vacation is because of the eleventh of march. they made monday free but 03 15 a normal day, not a holiday. but not for all.

Today i will go to the theatre, it is about 2 years i hadn’t been there

is it interesting? Nekaltas well… I went to the supermarket Cha cha

i’ve been walking along the streets of the old city part of klaipeda Šypsena and just dropped in one internet cafe to check emails and of course banga.lt Cha cha
after that i’ll go to the seaside Laimingas

varniux i’ve read in your profile that you’re from vilnius.
you’re in klaipeda at the moment? great!
i’m from klaipeda Šypsena and i too will go to the beach… the weather’s great!

Already nothing! Šypsena I have just woken up!Juokiasi

I must prepare for my test… Taip