TSW - Hell Raised

TSW - Hell Raised

The Secret World - Hell raised dungeon’o paskutinio boso vieta. Cia man vienam kazkokios uzuomenos apie Rusija? Cha chaDidesnis pic: fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/336302_3279979472 89158_1197501852_o.jpgO cia last bosas: fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/288202_3279979106 22495_1322249332_o.jpgDar kai uzmusi bosa, yra reference i mario Cha cha Ateina per cinematic’a succubus ir pirmi zodziai “I’m sorry. Your princess is in another castle”.

Su tokia grafika siais laikais tai Blogai Ne

nematau as cia rusiju Nežinau

vedaras, lucky you. Kaip gera būti jaunam ir gražiam. Cha cha

Cia gal ta didesnes foto linka paspaust reik ^^ gal geriau matysis. Bet siaip raudonos veliavos ir tokia ale stalino statula. O grafika cia pati maziausia, nes draugas galvoja pirkt, tai prase pastreamint koki dungeon’a. Tai su xsplit streaminant ir taip lagino kartais.

px ta grafika, svarbu įdomu

Idomu tai tikrai. Kad ir ta pati grafika, man patinka savo “realistiskumu”. Realistiskumas tai ta prasme, kad realus pasaulis ir personazai zmones, o ne kaip WoW. Spalvotas, animacinis, orku ir feju pasaulis. Vien del to nepatinka warcraft’as :confused: Double rainbow all the way. Pati istorija patinka del visu tu konspiraciju ir tie patys kvestai nera grynai fantazija. Aisku isgalvoti, bet paimtos realiam gyvenime egzistuojancios pasakeles. Boogeyman, Jack O’lantern ir konspiracijos ivairios. Ir tos pacios frakcijos (bent tamplieriai ir iliuminaciai, apie drakonus negirdejau) gal ir egzistuoja realiam gyvenime, o gal ir ne. ŠypsenaZaidziu uz Iluminacius vien del to, kad per pristatomaji filmuka uzsimine, jog turi kompromituojanciu angelu nuotrauku Cha cha Noriu pamatyt jas. Daug kam nepatinka sitas, nes turbut iesko ne to, ka siulo zaidimas. Cia istrauka is straipsnio kuris atsakys ar zaidimas jums, ar ne. “When you play this MMO, as you most assuredly should do, it will serve you to remember it is not World of Warcraft. It is not Rift, or Champions Online, neither Age of Conan, nor Star War: The Old Republic. It is not for end-gamers or raiders, grinders or power-levelers, PVPers or dungeon runners. Rather, it is The Longest Journey and Dreamfall, Broken Sword and Syberia, Gabriel Knight and I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream. It is for seekers and journeymen, detectives and discoverers; it is for explorers, and it is for adventurers. Consternation likely surrounds the reader who is also a seasoned MMO player at this point. Is The Secret World a game they will enjoy? Familiar MMORPG trappings are apparent; there are definite systems and mechanics at play that one could use to thusly label this game, but close examination quickly reveals this style of MMO is not one that will appeal to a mass market. If this already disappoints, and the games in the second paragraph above generate no recognition, glance at the below score, subtract four or five from it, and turn the page. Still reading?” O cia pilnas straipsnis: pcpowerplay.com.au/2012/07/the-secret-world/

lol, čia gi Vilnius, su savo Leninu ir Katedra Valio

noriu sita pameginti. gaila per praeita beta weekenda uzsiemes buvau… Jis jau isejo? gal kokie trial invite’ai yra?

Isejo, veliau gal ir bus. Visi juk nauji MMO neduoda trial’u pradzioje.

neveiks ant laptopo Ne

O ta pabaisa kaip suprantu putinas…

Jei randi panasumu, tai matyt Cha cha