Today in the world

Today in the world

I receive this e-mail at work that lists things going on in the world that may affect how people decide to travel. There may be small events, some larger. Some I don’t even hear on the news. Maybe you do. I’ll share one, and if you’re interested, I’ll share more… Nekaltas

You don’t have to read it all. You can just glance at the country that interests you… Nekaltas

I did not find Turkey here above. That’s cool.
That means I can come to Istanbul without any fear Šypsena

Hmm… Nekaltas Nekaltas Nekaltas

I don’t understand what you want… Nustebęs

[quote]marinacka rašė:
I don’t understand what you want… Nustebęs

I don’t want anything. I’m just sharing daily world events…

and tonight in Lithuania should be about -7C Coool.

darpo1> maybe you could give us a summary of cnn news here every evening? Šypsena u c, i get only bbc on my cable, but no cnn Šypsena

Liežuvis Just the daily events in the world that threaten anyone’s safety, security. I think some of the information is quite interesting. Nekaltas

… and I’m sure BBC and CNN on the web have all the news you need. This is just stuff you’re not going to find easily… Nekaltas

nde, how many news … I am not watching tv, i am not lising news on radio… Nustebęs ne koks vaizdelis Ne

hmz. o kodel? as kaip tik stengiuosi kasdien paziureti bent vienas lietuviskas zinias ir bbc zinias, reikia gi zinoti pasaulio peripetijas…

Today in LT: Today we can sleep 1 hour longer, that’s Gerai Do not forget to correct your’s watchsLabas

o man kompas pranese kad jis pakeitei, tai is jo ir suzinojau. otherwise, tavo naujiena butu labai vertina! Cha cha

And one big scandal around our president in LithuaniaMirkt

kryziuoti - Yes, I’ve heard. One scandal after another. Baisu. It’s a shame. Nustebęs

Nothing special. Politics, politics Šypsena


[quote]Vudis Vudpekeris rašė:
Nothing special. Politics, politics Šypsena


I believe that politics is a special issue, because it affects all of our lives. However, the news in the updates is not all politics. Some natural disasters, some accidents; things that affect other’s lives that could disrupt someone’s trip to that location. I find it very interesting. I hope I’m not alone… Nekaltas

Interesting for me too Šypsena


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