Street Legal

nu pas mane yra pirmo miesto masinu failai kiek atsimenu bandziau i ta coot (atrodo toks pavadiniams kur 4 varomi) idet 8 ar 6 cilindru tai nieko gero man kazkaip leciau pradejo vaziuot ir sunkiau valdytis

jei nori rasyk i privata meila

Yra kurioj nors mašinoj ASR arba ABS ar ne ? Nekaltas

murrr rašė :

[quote]Yra kurioj nors mašinoj ASR arba ABS ar ne ? Nekaltas

Ne Bent jau man neteko matyti Šypsena

Nu krc…

Perėjau iki 4-o miesto, o jokia “Whisper” ar “Furano” neatsirado Liūdnas

Kaip suprast ?

Kažkur ne ten perėjai … Nekaltas … arba perėjęs kam nors pralošei ir tipo tam naujajam klube tu dar newelcome… Nekaltas

murrr > tai ką dabar daryt ? Vėl iš naujo lošt ?? Nustebęs

O tai dar kelis kart sudraginus neatsirado naujos tačkos ? ir beje, jei gerai suprantu, tam kad atsirastų naujas "turgelis" reik apsistot naujame naujo miesto garaže … Nekaltas Paprašius kad nutemptų iki jo … Nekaltas

Tada buy cars ir … have fun Šypsena Labas

GeSa neissigalvoja ! Va jum visa paslaptis —> Enable All Engine Sizes:
1-Open the same "main.cfg" file and Search for the text string "engine_block".
2-And make sure the "attach …" text block will look as follows:

attach 0x000400CE 1 ; i4 blocks
attach 0x000400CF 1 ; v6 blocks
attach 0x000400D0 1 ; v8 blocks
attach 0x000400D1 1 ; v10 blocks

Pamirsau parasyt kur ras ta "main.cfg" —> cars\racers\CarName and ID your favorite car . atsidarai su notepad ir padarai ka parasiau nors as pats to nedariau nezinau ar veik

gal zinot is kur galiu parsisiusti sita geima???

jis jau gan senokas, bet ant guli, taip pat gali ieshkot su KaZaA

Vir2 aciu labai! Nu as tik dabar apie suzinojau. Kazaa jo neranda, kartais fotkes is jo ir vsio, o jei randa tai jo siusti neina! Remotely ir pan.

Vir2 aciu labai! Nu as tik dabar apie suzinojau. Kazaa jo neranda, kartais fotkes is jo ir vsio, o jei randa tai jo siusti neina! Remotely ir pan.

blyn man is to saito SHAREreactor vienoj vietoj uzstringa ir neatidaro puslapio toliau kad eitu ir parsiustu!!! Tipo raso kad puslapio neatidaro ir nors 4 puslapiai yra pasirinkime nei vieno neatidaro! BLYN!

tai 4 miestuose esi pirmas ir daugiau nieko darai tik kaip babkes krauni Cha cha

Man regis supratau, kur šuo pakastas Šypsena
Pasirodo patch’ų reikėjo Cha cha
Nu installinau visus 3 ir nebepasileidzia Liūdnas

HELP Žliumbia


krc… Paleidi žaidimą parodo multikus ir…

!Thread::callmethod: native implementation missing for "LRenderRef;.cache" at class "LLoadingDialog;" at line 178

Ką daryt ?? Gal Crack’o reik ?

HELP Žliumbia

turiu as ta 2.2 cracka jei nori rasyk i privata meila atsiusiu

Street Legal PC Game Cheats

This page contains information about the Street Legal PC game that I just bought recently.

As most of you know by now, this game was released very prematurely in the development cycle. You’ll learn that soon enough when you have installed the game from the CD that you got from the store. Immediately you’ll findout that you’d need two more patches to get the game up on its feet and playable.

There seem to be a lot of low reviews on the internet about this game due to the bundled problems…but it takes a little more time to discover the potential of this game.

I played it for about 2days and hit the end of the game…I beat all levels. It was a very easy flow of challenges. Then I still have the Test Track to cover…this will be a whole lot of fun too…as you can build your racing skills here with real-world effects…skids, slides, drifts…and so on. The close-circuit race track provided is quite fun to drive around in there to challenge yourself. There are some nice hairpins that I am still trying to learn to drift around them.

What’s more fun is that this game is quite simple to hack to allow you doing more fun stuffs… For example: I can put 21" wheels on the Remo car which can only take 17" wheels max. Of course, the reaction of the car is REAL when them big wheels got on…the acceleration was quite hurt but once you have picked up the speed you’ll get nice top speed run…and be a real speed-freak!..cornering is improved as you get more traction. Remember to build up your inline-4 with a turbo upgrade otherwise, you’ll take off like a van because the wheels are too big and heavy on the gear ratio. Šypsena
Also, if the tiny inline-4 bangers isn’t up to the task of moving fast… you can follow the hack to enable your compact cars to get any engine blocks available as well. I got my compact Remo a Twin-Turbo V6!..and 19" wheels along to help the traction. Check out the pics below.

Street Legal Game Cheats:

WARNING! Make sure you have an original backup of the modified files per patched version that you have. These modified .cfg files need to be RESTORED in original format before you can do a new patch installation.

-I looked at the files of the game and it seems to be very easy to do some cheats.
Simply browsing through the files of the car models of the game I can see that you can enable the smaller body cars to fit with big wheels…and in some cases you really need this enabled like when you have a very powerful engine build up with twin turbos, NOS, and so on but the max wheel size allowed was 19in, you’d need big fat tires on them!

Enable All Wheel Sizes for your car:
1-First of all you need to locate the files that the models are made of. Please browse in the StreetLegal folder for cars\racers\CarName and ID your favorite car.
2-Open up the "main.cfg" file (from the "scripts" folder of your car folder) in a text Editor like notepad.
3-Scroll down through the file and locate the section for the wheels…commented as "# FL wheel #" …and so on for each wheel. Then make sure the "attach …" text lines (block) are edited as follows:
attach 0x00040100 1 ; 14
attach 0x00040101 1 ; 15
attach 0x00040102 1 ; 16
attach 0x00040103 1 ; 17
attach 0x00040104 1 ; 18
attach 0x00040105 1 ; 19
attach 0x00040106 1 ; 20
attach 0x00040107 1 ; 21

**You can cut/paste the lines above and edit them in your cfg file.
MAKE SURE ALL FOUR WHEELS are edited the same way.
Now you can get any size of wheels available on your car!

Adjust Wheel Mount Position:
-This hack will allow you to adjust the position of the wheel when it is mounted on your car. For Example: you want wider track then add more width to the mount position. Or you want to fit wider wheels on your compact cars you can adjust the mount position inward so the wheels won’t stick out too much from the body…etc.
1-Browse the "main.cfg" to the wheel section.

FL wheel

type 10.000 sphere 0.44
spring 0.290 0.100 0.050
wheel -0.620 -0.490 -1.177 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000

FR wheel

type 10.000 sphere 0.44
spring 0.290 0.100 0.050
wheel 0.620 -0.490 -1.177 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000

2-Modify the RED numbers above to adjust the position of the specific wheel.
The 1st number after the word "wheel" is the given width starting from centerline of the car body.
The 2nd number is the height in relative to the center of the car body.
3-Add more width by just increasing the 1st number by a fraction. (IGNORE the NEGATIVE signs because the wheels are symmetrical to the center of the car body…Dont touch them!)
For Example (Moving the FRONT wheels out a little):

FL wheel

type 10.000 sphere 0.44
spring 0.290 0.100 0.050
wheel -0.720 -0.490 -1.177 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000

FR wheel

type 10.000 sphere 0.44
spring 0.290 0.100 0.050
wheel 0.720 -0.490 -1.177 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000

You can modify the same way for the REAR wheels…and the mounting heights also on the second numbers. See the pictures below to see how this hack allow nice "rides".

Enable All Engine Sizes:
1-Open the same "main.cfg" file and Search for the text string "engine_block".
2-And make sure the "attach …" text block will look as follows:

attach 0x000400CE 1 ; i4 blocks
attach 0x000400CF 1 ; v6 blocks
attach 0x000400D0 1 ; v8 blocks
attach 0x000400D1 1 ; v10 blocks

Obviously you see that all blocks of engines are now allowed to fit on your favorite chassis.
Reduce Chassis Weight for your car:
1-Open the same "main.cfg" file and the first block of texts below the word "chassis" are all yours to modify.
2-Reduce the weight at your wish…notice the number xx.000 before the path of "cars\racers…" for each line.

body -0.616 -0.210 -1.441 0.000 0.0000.000 35.000 cars\racers\Remo_V11\meshes\_phys_chassis_FL_mudguard.scx ;0x000 0000A

Modify the number before the path and you’ll have your chassis component weight modified. For example I want to modify the above item from 35.000Kg to 5.000Kg. That’d save me a whole lot of lead to carry around!
You can adjust the weight on all "chassis" components in the config file…note these lines start with the word "body" in this section.
For advanced tuners: you can add or transfer weight toward the drive wheels to get more traction when you built up your monster engines…and see your car accelerate.
Be A Millionaire!
-This hack will allow you the maximum money you can have for the saved game ($16,777,215).
-You need to go to the saved game directory (they are saved in a fixed order top-to-bottom in numbered folder). In each folder of the saved game there is a file called "main" without any extension.
Then use the DOS DEBUG program to do hex edit of the binary file for your game…and max out the money counter.
-Please follow the steps as shown in the screen capture below in a DOS Console (Explainations below):

E:\> cd StreetLegal\save\005
E:\StreetLegal\save\005>debug main
0AF2:0110 EF 8A 04 00 AF 00 00 00-4F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 …O…
0AF2:0120 04 00 00 00 70 6D 6C 00-B5 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 …pml…
0AF2:0130 01 00 00 00 E3 00 01 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F …?
0AF2:0140 00 00 80 3F 00 00 00 00-01 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF …?..
0AF2:0150 FF 00 00 00 00 89 00 01-00 48 00 00 00 00 00 00 …H…
0AF2:0160 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 …
0AF2:0170 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 …
0AF2:0180 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 …
0AF2:0110 EF.ff 8A.ff 04.ff
0AF2:0110 FF FF FF 00 AF 00 00 00-4F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 …O…
0AF2:0120 04 00 00 00 70 6D 6C 00-B5 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 …pml…
0AF2:0130 01 00 00 00 E3 00 01 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F …?
0AF2:0140 00 00 80 3F 00 00 00 00-01 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF …?..
0AF2:0150 FF 00 00 00 00 89 00 01-00 48 00 00 00 00 00 00 …H…
0AF2:0160 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 …
0AF2:0170 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 …
0AF2:0180 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 …
Writing 0068Cbytes


"debug main" —Is a DOS command to run DEBUG program and open file "main"
Once in DEBUG program, the prompt is a dash "-"
The commands I typed above are:
"d110" —To DUMP memory content of the file "main" at 0x100 offset. Notice the RED numbers…those are what need to be modified as all "FF"s.
"e110" —To ENTER/Modify bytes at address 0x110 of the file "main". Then I entered "FF" for 3 times.
"w" —To Write out the changes.
"q" —To Quit DEBUG program.
Doing so, you’ll have a maximum of $16,777,215 in your saved game… no need to race for the money anymore…just buy the best parts and build the best street machine for your enjoyment!
Unfortunately, the game has a major bug where you can’t have more than one car in your Car Lot…My cars get lost out of thin air. Otherwise, I’d have a full collection of all of their models…all built to themax!

-Do this "at your own Risk!"
-These are unofficial modifications to the config files of your game…please backup your files before you try this.
-Any comments and questions please send email to [email protected] .
