\"So I\'m a man and he\'s a woman\"... My final work for college.

Congratulations! Gerai

tepliorka - I have to admit, I didn’t get a chance to read this until now. It’s good. I know you don’t need any more comments, but here goes…

I don’t consider myself a feminist, but I do believe in equality. Anything a man can do, there’s a woman who can do the same, if not better. Same goes the other way, too. I’ve worked in some "masculine" jobs, where I was the only woman, and did quite well, even better than some men. Then there were some feminine jobs, where I know some men did a much better job. Not every man is created equally, nor is every woman. So I don’t believe that there are chores only for men or only for women. I can change my car tire’s, car’s oil, and my Vyras cleans the washroom and cooks a delicious dinner. It’s doing what you can do better or enjoy. That doesn’t make me a feminist. I don’t believe that every woman can do every man’s job, but they should be given a chance. I’m into equal rights.

Anyway, tepliorka, thanks for sharing. Gėlė Cha cha