
10 more hours per day and you will be a sleeping beauty instead of zombie! Cha cha

I never thought about it that way Juokiasi But what I meant was, that if I dont get my 14 hours of sleep, I am a zombie Baisu, (i.e. not enough sleep for me Mirkt ) Of course, I am just kidding. Laimingas I rarelly get 14 hours of sleep Girtas and most of the time I avoid being a zombie, i make sure i get my Kava Cha cha

Gerai yeah, I don’t remember when I had a 14h sleep too… Mirkt When it is a casual day, I get, let’s say, about 4-5h sleep (of course if there is no test that day! And if there is one, time is too valuable to waste it sleeping. Cha cha ) On weekends, I can’t get much sleep, because I don’t wan’t to get used to sleeping long hours… Cha cha It is good as it is. Cha chaAnd finally, I don’t know what i’d do without Kava and, of course, Alus Niam niam Cha cha

I know what you mean about the tests- when I need to study, I get so little sleep Žliumbia and so much Kava … But my finals are over (for this semester at least) and last night I got 12 hours of sleep! that felt soooooo good… But you right- it’s very easy to get used to that kind of sleep. Although I believe in sleep deficit- you got catch up sooner or later Cha cha

i want to sleep Žliumbiai always want to sleep Cha chalast month was short of sleep, now it’s still the same Pavargęs but i hope soon i will get back my strength Liežuvis Cha cha

So this means, that about 30-40 years ago, almost everybody in our generation will be sleeping all the time… Cha cha How nice! Juokiasi Thats because there’s so much strain that we get nowadays! There’s simply not enough time to sleep. And this problem is getting bigger and bigger! Do you imagine, for example, how long students of future generations will sleep?.. Shortly, I believe that someday someone will invent a cure from sleeping. And there will be no sleep anymore. It is only a waste of time nowadays. Maybe, when there was no electricity, people slept just because they had nothing else to do. And now there is only addiction to sleep. It can, it WILL be overwhelmed! Cha cha Shor

I dont think everybody will be sleeping. I think as people get older, they need less and less sleep, I am sure you heard that old people sleep very little during the night, or have trouble sleeping. So as people get older, they manage to catch up. But maybe not, I dont know this. I know that I need to repay my sleep deficit once in a while, so I sleep in! (and have a very good excuse to do so Laimingas ) I like sleeping. It’s good for you. It’s good for your brain too. I don’t think there will be a cure from sleep. I hope not. I agree, that people spend alot of time sleeping, but I think there is a purpose for that. If you think about it, the night was created for a purpose (other than partying and drinking Mirkt )

Believe! And there will be time when you can sleep as much as you want!!!

It would be outstanding, if you could sleep as much as you want. But in our society… I don’t think it’s ever possible. Not in our generation FOR SURE! When you’re student, you get almost no sleep at all… Parties, drinking, Gerai Gerai, preparing for tests, exams… When you’re adult, you hawe to work from 8 to 5 pm (unless you’re a lucky bussinesman, who works anytime he wants Cha cha), look over children, family, do housework and so on… When you`re an oldie, you simply CAN’T sleep, because of beeing used to not sleeping, various diseases, that keeps you awake all night… So WHEN will be the time, when we shall live without Kava and sleep as much as we want? Correctme if I’m wrong, but I’d say NEVER! Taip

I agree that it would be wonderful to sleep as much as one wants. Unfortunatly, it is not always possible. But you can always hope for some sleep Šypsena Also, you choose to give up sleep for other things- if you like partying, you give up sleep for partying… So, maybe sometimes you can give up something in order to sleep? Like watching tv late? Well, turn it off earlier and get more sleep. Of course, if yo want to do everything you wont have enough time for everything. But sometimes you can sleep more!

The problem is, there is not much I can give up. Šypsena I already don’t remember when I was watching TV… Cha cha Partying and studying, these things stops me from sleeping long hours… MirktJust curious, how long do you usually sleep? It’s clear that not 14h per day. Šypsena And what grade are you in? I even don’t know how old are you, because it’s not written in your form. Šypsena

I don’t watch tv. I dont party. Now I sit in bee+ all the time, because I have a winter break. I am studying in a university, working on my doctoral degree. So that means I am old. Ancient. Archaic. How much sleep do I get? It depends. last spring I would get about 4 hours. This last semester I decided I can’t kill myself, so I would sleep about 7 during the week and about 10 on weekends. If I dont get enough sleep, I am not as productive, my work and studies suffer. So I try to be better at time managment and sleep Šypsena

It doesn’t mean you’re ancient if you’re working on your doctoral degree. Šypsena The life has only begun… For me, for example, there’s 4 more year waiting, till I get my diploma… And then… LONG vacation somewhere in States. Šypsena I like US. Country “where all your dreams will come true” Laimingas It’s not easy, of course, but there are way more chances to achieve something there, than in LTU… Don’t you agree?

I don’t know if you can call it “life” working on PhD… Its more like a nightmare Šypsena Did you mean to say- 4 years of studying to get your diploma? And what is it that you are studying- and where- LT or USA? I agree that there are more chances in the US, but I think studying in LT you can also achieve a lot, one just needs to want it, to strive for it, and do all she/he can.

My job is meant for working at nights, so my sleep is meant for sleeping at days. And of course, it’s more healthy for me to sleep at days, than not to sleep at all Šypsena

yeah, 4 years… Then a vacation, and the 2 more years to major. Šypsena I’m studying in LTU. IT, which is “the most perspective specialisation nowadays”, as they call it. Šypsena The point is, that I like it, and everything is said by that. Mirkt

I think I am going to get some SLEEP now. Cha cha It has been a long time since my last sleeping… Goodnight Elusive_Mind! Goodnight all! Gėlė Laimingas

I have some bad news for you. Here, in states, IT is not the most perspective major anymore. Maybe if you live in India or China. In fact, here in states, a lot of CS (computer science) people can’t find jobs for a long time, there simply is too much outsourcing. But if you like it, thats the only thing that matters. Btw, I am getting PhD in CS Cha cha

Sleep well and don’t let the bed bugs bite you!

i believe Cha cha Taip i can’t live all my life without my long sleep Juokiasi one day will come and i will sleep for two months which i lost Pavargęs