Religion and / or spirituality

Religion and / or spirituality

What does religions mean to you? Are you religious? Is it part of your life?

What does sprirituality mean to you? Are you a spiritual person? Is it part of your life?

religija… ne, nesu religingas. religijas sukure zmones, norintys valdyti kitus. niekas neturi teises man nurodinet, kaip ir i ka tiket. kodel as turiu vykdyt kazkogio marazmatiko nurodymus, kaip tiket, ka valgyt, kaip myletis ir gyvent pagal knyga, kuria parase zmogus, ne geresnis, bet ir neblogesnis uz mane? esu krikstytas, bet nelaikau saves kataliku. nesu juo. nenoriu priklausyt religijai. tai skirta masems, mulkinti bei plauti smegenis. sukramtytas maistas. kazkuom primena televizija.

as tikiu. kaip jau minejau ‘pokalbiuose’, tikiu, kad yra kazkas. nzn ,kas, jesusas, alachas, buda, ateiviai sventos baltos pelytes ar paprasciausiai evoliucija. man neatejo ir neprisistate.

I used to be very religious. Now I consider myself very spiritual. I acutally agree with some of the things olo mentioned. I believe in God. But I don’t believe in all the rules the church has placed upon us. What religion tells you that their’s is the right one and all others are wrong? What religion kills others in order to prove its own worth? People do this to themselves.

I do believe highly in the concept that the better you are towards others, the better things will be for you. Reading spiritual books and attending lectures opened my eyes.

I never go to church. I used to go there, when I was a teenager and sang in a youth choir, which used to give performances in the church from time to time.
I do believe in my grandmother’s soul caring of me and helping me every day. My grandmother died when I was 16, but I still feel her near me, sometimes I see her smiling in my dreams.

well… i not very religiuos too. i usually don’t go to church, except concerts of clasical music, but it isn’t the same.
sure i believe that Gog is, but church is not for me. Aš nekaltas
it makes me laught when an old lithuanian woman after prayings in church feel saint, but from the corner she swears, talks dirty, or even steals something from marketplace. she don’t afraid of no one, because, She will get pardon. funny ? isn’t ?

I still am somewhat religious. I still go to church, just not as religiously - (reiskiant, ne taip daznai) as i used to. Some of my wonderful friends are priests and nuns - right in Lithuania (Vilnius & Kaunas). They are the reasons that I have not given up faith. It’s just that the church overall, which dictates when we should eat fish, when we should go to confession and other larger issues… Well, I don’t agree with all of that.

But there is something powerful in someone like Father Saulaitis, who is at Jonu Baznycia, Sv. Kazimierio (jezuitu mokykla) in Vilnius. Just an outstanding human being who is the reason I have not given up on religion. If you ever have a chance to meet him. Say hello. And bring chocolates to share… Mirkt

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Hm… sounds like some kind of chanting…?? Mirkt Well, olo, as long as it brings you inner peace. Graži

I’m going to work very soon, so it’s actually time for me to be up. Thanks for caring, though! Taip Gėlės Alus

first of all i don’t think religion is about setting the rules or being in rule of anybody. religion is supposed to explain the ways of the world - or at least it had to before science started doing it as well, using all kinds of nifty devices.
me, being a nasty person, i am not happy with the religious mysticism. i need hardcore proof. or the explanation will be classified as "tale". Like "in the beginning there was a word…". very cute tale. tales like that somehow set something straight inside your head - or set sideways, depends on the tale. but by now i think (very humble… ) that i can see why tales like that were written and told. most probably now they don’t make any sense, or noone cares to look deep into them. there cannot be coincidences or anything - all big reigions finally come and dig at the same root. they talk about the ways of the soul, sometimes (or most of the times) in words that seem a bit bizzarre - but only because these words are so old, i think.
and - from all of these, pagan tales are my favourite. because i cannot imagine my life without plants (olo may witness that), animals, native indian mythology and so on. for me that makes sense. or i like those tales the most. all the same Šypsena

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Relogion was related to the wars all the times. I think it proves inhumanity sence of religion. Event of 11 of September in USA proves it one more time. People, who believe without any doubt become weapons to achieve purposes, which are out of all relations to god.
We have many nice religious traditions and I like them, but I hate to go to the church. People in it are very angry and intolerant if my behavior is not the same as their. I am afraid of them and feel bad.
Some years ago I sow old woman. It was early in the morning. She pray standing on the hill and looking at the sky. She didin’t need special place to pray, she needed a god.