Nokia kompanija išsiuntinėjo SMS-pakvietimus į CeBIT ir pakabino/sugadino telefonus

Nokia kompanija išsiuntinėjo SMS-pakvietimus į CeBIT ir pakabino/sugadino telefonus

Nokia sends killer-SMS to own customers

Thursday, March 11, 2004 11:51 AM

By Frank Koehntopp

According to this (german) article, Nokia has been sending out picture SMS messages to invite their customers to CeBIT. Unfortunately, this particular SMS seems to have rendered several Nokia phones (3510i, 5100, 6100) unusable to the point that they need to be reanimated in a Nokia Service Center.
Nokia has announced that repair will be free of charge (how noble…), and that repair will be immediate (usually they ask you to leave your phone in the service center for a day). The poor customers will unfortunately not be able to enter the Club Nokia Lounge on CeBIT, as the SMS was supposed to be used as the ticket. Not a great loss IMHO - from my CeBIT experience you have to stand in line for two hours before getting in, anyway.

Again, this makes me wonder: what happened to the good old habit of testing?



Biski i naujenas tau reikejo sita… Dar geriau lietuviskai

Gal kas pasakys esme kas cia rasoma???

Išsiuntė Nokia SMS su pakvietimais į Cebit, tai sugadino teliponus Šypsena.

Man patiko sakinysKandagain, this makes me wonder: what happened to the good old habit of testing? . Tikrai, ar ne laikas žiūrėti būtų ne į kiekybę, bet į kokybę? Tiek mėšlo pridaryta jau…

nebutu nokia - norejo geriau,o gavos kaip visada Cha cha

nokia ir wel pasigaidino ! Šypsena