Kepa šašlas

Kepa šašlas

Cha chaSu naujausiu patchu buvo jie ką nors pridirbę? žaidžiu ant to antro sunkumo, netalpa jau medikitai su šoviniais, kai seniau žaidžiau lyg ir sunkiau buvo. Tiesa kitus nušaut lyg ir sunkiau pasidarė. Radau merc armorą beexplorindamas vienoj gamykloj Valio

geris… reiks kada vel isirasyt paslampinejimui po zona Girtas

man rodos kazkada japonai paleis kazka panasaus i sita zaidima Šypsena

O man knibžda mintis, kur gauti tą “narodnaja salianka” expansion pack (papildymas- fanų darbas). Kur ginklus taisyti eina, naujų vietovių yra ir pan. Tada vėl pabraidyčiau su šituo žaidimu.

Meshqis, o tai call of pripyat netinka?

aš šiandien clear sky įsirašiau Gerai Šypsena

tuoj ir mane priversit kokią nors dalį įsirašyt Šypsena

pirma ir trecia vos ne atmintinau zinau. O va clear sky prabegom perejau, tai reikia po crysis isnarplioti iki smulkmenu.

interceptor , mercenary armor galima pasiimti pacioje zaidimo pradzioje, dar kordone, neisejus is pirmo stalkeriu kaimelio, po pirmo isejimo is sidoroviciaus bunkerio Mirktisvis pirmame stalkeriu kaimelyje ir jo rajone dafiga visko galima prisirinkti.

blem, uzsinorejau vel susirasyt Cha cha tik sikart kokio modo noretus (pacio geriausio, be abejo Cha cha)… gal parekomenduotumet koki? Šypsena

Jei megsti pirmyn atgal begioti per zona ir ieskoti pagal uzuominas, o ne tiesiog nueik ten ir atnesk, tai rekomenduoju Tainyje Tropy 2 (AMK 1.4 pagrindu) - super modas. tiesa jis tik RUS Evolution 2.3.1 Story;93263O gali palaukti vasaros ir pasidziaugti su Lost Alpha by Dez0wave Šypsena

Mūsų Timbabukas Stalkerio guru Šypsena

Siuskites Complete modus: Shadow of chernobyl Complete Clear sky complete Call of pripyat complete geriausi modai kokie tik imanomi, 100kart pegerina ir taip gera zaidima Mirkt

As turiu SOC be jokiu modu, kiek ziurejau youtube’i video su tuo complete modu nieko skirtingo labai ir nepamaciau nuo orginalaus. Kuo ten taip jau labai pagerina ta zaidima tas modas?

Geriausi modai, kurie pakeicia gameplay, yra sukurti beveik 99% rusijos ir ukrainos modmeikeriu. Is vakarietisku modmeikeriu siuzetiniu modu mano nuomone galima atskirai iskirti tik dezowave komanda, kuri sukure priboy story ir siuo metu baigineja lost alpha. Kas daugiau susipazines su turiniu, tai mate patys - 99% ten idetu modu, tai: pakeistos aplinkos teksturos, paredaguotas asortimentas pas treiderius, prideta keli ar keliolika nauju ginklu ar sarvu, pakeisti apdovanojimai uz vykdomus kvestus, naujas kurio nors ginklo skin ir t.t. - ir daznai visa tai pavadinama super new hardcore mod. Aisku, ten tarp to 1% yra ir tikrai neblogu modu, pvz, kad ir Atmosfear, Stalker complete - bet jie didziaja dalimi gerina ir keicia tik grafine sudedamaja, ir gameplay elementu prideda ne tiek ir daug. O man asmeniskai idomu nauji arba pakeisti kvestai, nauji netiketi siuzeto vingiai, dinamines anomalijos, nauji NPC, nauji gameplay elementai, kurie keicia siuzeta ir vercia begioti po zona pirmyn atgal per lokacijas, ieskant sprendimo, ekonominis ir ginklu balansas, kai nera galimybes iseiti is pirmos lokacijos su 2000 soviniu, seva kostiumu, money 50000-100000 ir su G36 arba vintoriezu ir t.t. Aisku, del tu 99 ir 1 santykio, tai cia IMHO Šypsena

Pvz Call of pripyat complete: Graphics: The weather system in this mod is constructed out of two primary components: the classic Complete Weather that has put this series on pages of magazines, and the popular and widely acclaimed AtmosFear massive weather overhaul by Cromm Cruac, effectively making it the biggest graphical collaboration in the game series’ history. Featuring incredible diversity in weather conditions and landscapes varying between game areas, the graphical enhancements include: Distant scenery texturing and an increased actor visual distance that put the player in the middle of a large open world, rather than the previously “enclosed” map 11 dynamic weather cycles (compared to only four in the base game) including a unique probability factor for each different game environment area 26 Complete Weather and 123 AtmosFear new photorealistic sky cube textures Authentic scenery recreation using our original photographs of the Russian industrial town of Mednogorsk, which represents how Pripyat once was The Jupiter and Pripyat game areas feature the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the Limansk radar and the Red Forest Brainscorcher visible on the horizon line High resolution nighttime constellation map and full moon Dynamic Depth of Field that changes according to weather conditions AtmosFear Emission sequence with dramatic scenery and a complex shockwave particle system AI: The artificial intelligence has been greatly improved, giving NPCs new abilities such as: Weapon Selection - NPCs are now able to determine the best weapon for the situation based on the number of rounds they have left for their weapon and distance to target, switching appropriately. Using Add-Ons - NPCs are able mount add-ons, such as scopes, silencers, and grenade launchers, and use them accordingly. Armoring Allies – NPCs can now be equipped with player-selected weapons by either dropping them by or selling to them to NPCs. To ensure NPCs continue using their new weapons be sure to also sell or drop by them ammunition for the weapon, which then acts as an infinite ammunition supply. Friendly Fire - NPCs avoid friendly fire, and they will even stop firing and switch positions if their allies get caught in it. Melee - NPCs use melee attacks with rifle butts and knifes when the opposition gets close enough. Self-Healing - NPCs are able to heal themselves by using Medkits if hurt badly and apply bandages when bleeding. Reloading - NPCs are able to reload their weapons when needed. Stealth - Actor footsteps, knife use, silenced weapons, and the sounds of fallen bodies won’t alert nearby enemies unless they are observed. Features: Real Weapon Names - All in game weapons now are labeled after their real life counterparts. NPC Variation - Adds new NPC models and skins in the gameworld, increasing the variety. The Wish Granter - Activated via the ESC+F1 keyboard shortcut, a hidden interface designed to let you spawn items, place anomalies, characters, mutants and much more on the map is at the player’s fingertips. You can essentially build the game around your preferences through this interface (this feature can be toggled on and off, see User Manual for details). Sleeping Bag - S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat features a newer native sleeping mechanic. The fans of the traditional Complete series’ sleeping bag won’t find it in the actor’s inventory, but will be able to purchase it from traders, and in rare cases, find it on NPCs. Loot Money - Players will be able to randomly collect small amounts of money from dead NPCs. The collection will be indicated with a coin sound effect and the amount will be shown by an on-screen alert. Absolute Scopes - Improves the scope system to be similar to those used in most modern FPS games. Breakable Bulbs - Lights can now break by being shot or by nearby explosions, changing the ambient environment. Elite Nightvision - Improves the green and black & white night vision. Teleport - Allows the player to jump between points in the environment with the ability to save custom location coordinates for future use. (nebepastinsiu daugiau, nes ir taip perdaug gavos Cha cha) pakeicia, atmosfera garsas daug kartu pagereja, ir siaip ai bei gameplay fixu daug Mirkt

AI - xStream kurinys, padare modmeikeris dar senajame AMK forume, kuris buvo 2008 metais; Features - 90% is isvardintu daliu buvo atskirai padaryta keli menesiai po ShoC isleidimo; ir t.t. Jei bandyt sita moda po originalaus ShoC, tai Complete padarys ispudi. Jei bandyt po OGSM arba OGSE, Zenobian, AMK 1.4, NLC-5 ar NLC-6, TT2, ABC, Xiani freeplay, LWR, Full realism mod ir t.t., tai tiesiog eilinis modas-mixas (ir nepasakyciau kad labai geresnis uz didziaja dauguma mixu).

Kiekvienas turi savo skoni Mirkt

del to niekas nesigincija Šypsena