Kas labiau kenkia: Snufas ar cigaretes?

Kas labiau kenkia: Snufas ar cigaretes?

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seijp kiek zinau ne snufas bet snusas Nekaltas

jei tikrai idomu: snuff.com/snuffbox.org.uk/

nera vienareiksmiskai i tai atsakyta, cia viena is nuomoniu: Snuff and health Snuff and nicotine Snuff is a tobacco product and consequently contains nicotine. The studies conducted, in particular by the English researcher, Professor Russell, have ascertained that the transition time required by nicotine to be absorbed into the body by the inhalation of snuff is fairly short. Taken in small quantities, as in the case of snuff, it is a fact that nicotine has a stimulating effect on the human organism. This is nowadays regarded as a scientific fact. Only in the case of certain heart disorders, where care should be exerted in the use of all kinds of stimulants, should a doctor be consulted. Snuff and condensates: false alarm Since no combustion takes place when snuff is inhaled, the condensates known to be produced by smoking tobacco products do not apply here. Snuff is not smoked, so indulging in this habit does not disturb the neighbours. It is therefore the ideal alternative form of tobacco enjoyment, where smoking is prohibited or frowned upon. This probably explains why more and more people are discovering the appeal of smokeless tobacco enjoyment. Snuff and sport Since no condensates are produced, snuff is the ideal stimulant for all sportsmen and sportswomen. Many sportsmen use snuff because it keeps the nostrils free and has a refreshing effect even during the course of sporting activities. New warning on snuff (…) This puts snuff on a fairly level pegging with other semi-luxury products such as wine or coffee. This long overdue change is seen by many snuff users as an acknowledgement of their social habit. After all, a pinch of snuff is an uncomplicated way to enjoy a feeling of refreshment and gives the user a truly “clear head” in between times. And they don’t even have to have a guilty conscience, since snuff is the smoke-free way of enjoying tobacco which is tolerated everywhere. Summary (…) nasal snuff is an extremely low-risk tobacco product, which does not harm fellow humans in view of its non-polluting technique - since no combustion takes place. Snuff is the ideal alternative for anyone looking for tobacco indulgence without smoke. The ingredients of snuff are governed by the rigid German food regulations as well as continuous quality control measures. smulkiau: poeschl-tobacco.com/start.php ir dar: snuffbox.org.uk/#Health%20Hazard