kaip nekeista <img border=0 src="i/xsmiles/smile8.gif" alt="Aš nekaltas">, noriu susipazhinti... <img border=0 src="i/xsmiles/smile8.gif" alt="Aš nekaltas">

kaip nekeista , noriu susipazhinti…

wa taip wa! ar yra norinciu Moterys Mirkt Cha cha

ir kaune orelis ne geresnis… Mirkt

uzhuojauta. ash tai aplamai net uzhuolaidu neatsitraukiu, nes baisu zhiuret…

kiek zinau dabar ir Sakiuose ir Utenoje lyja.
Skesta musu Lietuvele… Aš nekaltas

Skesta ne tik Lietuvele…

svieto galaz…

Koks skirtumas koks orelis!Svarbu kad tas oras netrukdo draugystem ir susirasinejimam ir aisku nuotaikom!Šypsenakaip manotMirkt

Tokiu oru susipazint nebent tik kokiame bare. Na siuo atveju dar ir virtuali pazintis galima. Liežuvis

Hello, Can you hear me? Am I gettin’ through to you?
Hello. Is it late there? There’s a laughter on the line. Are you sure you’re there alone?

Cause I’m Tryin’ to explain - Somethin’s wrong, Ya just don’t sound the same

Why don’t you, Why don’t you, Go outside, Go outside

Kiss the rain, Whenever you need me, Kiss the rain, Whenever I’m gone, too long.

If your lips Feel lonely and thirsty, Kiss the rain And wait for the dawn.

Keep in mind - We’re under the same sky And the nights As empty for me, as for you
If ya feel You can’t wait till morinin’ - Kiss the rain, Kiss the rain, Kiss the rain

Hello, Do you miss me? I hear you say you do, But not the way I’m missin’ you

What’s new? How’s the weather? Is it stormy where you are? Cause I’m so close but it feels like you’re so far
Oh would it mean anything If you knew What I’m left imagining
In my mind In my mind Would you go Would you go Kiss the rain

And you’d fall over me, Think of me, think of me, think of me
Only me Kiss the rain Whenever I’m gone too long
If your lips Feel lonely and thirsty - Kiss the rain and wait for the dawn

ash pritariu

Grazu, bet kazkaip pasiilgau lietuviskai snekant Cha cha .

Grazu Taip

Šypsena shnekam shnekam shenkam… Cha cha

Gerai, nes paskutini menesi girdziu tik angliskai snekancius. Tai staiga taip pamilau lietuviskai snekancius zmones Šypsena

tai gal esi lietuve,gyvenanti JAV/Dz.Britanijoje/Australijoje? Labas

[quote] kazkodel rase:
Gerai, nes paskutini menesi girdziu tik angliskai snekancius. Tai staiga taip pamilau lietuviskai snekancius zmones

Tevynes ilgesys kamuoja?

isivaizduoju, nors ko gero su laiku priprantama…

[quote]isivaizduoju, nors ko gero su laiku priprantama…

Kaip sako patarle: ir suo kariamas pripranta.

mmmda … priprantama, bet vistiek ilgesys … merginos grazios … ech … Cha chaCha chaCha cha Kietas