If you were writing a book, about what would it be?

Elusive_Star never sleeps GėlėI will let you know as soon as I know Mirkt Actually at the time being it is in a process of becoming reality Laimingas

You are right, I never sleep Cha cha And I look like this: PavargęsAre you in the process of having it published?

Elusive_Star> I am sure you look more like Angelas, rather than PavargęsIt is a long process, but I am getting there… When it’s all said and done I probably will look like Pavargęs, maybe even like Baisu! After all it’s been ongoing project for more than a year…

What is your book going to be called? Do you know yet?

Well, If I was writing a book, it would most probably be a collection of short stories, like: ‘Su švilpesiu…’, ‘Awakening to nightmares’, ‘Pergalės spalvos’, ‘The future.’, ‘A prayer’ and ‘Defeat.’ in my diary.

kaip bylojo vienas toks protingas zmogus: zmones, jei tik galit nerayt, tai ir nerasykit

Mes ir nerasom Cha chaHi, olo Bučkis

You did already. Everything that is left to bring it for publishing Apkabinimas .

If I have a gift to write a books I will write about people who fight all life with wrong in the world. With their own wikness even. About the people who try to make others lifes better.

No, not yet… There are many versions, but… I have a feeling that this is going to be the hardest part in this project Pavargęs

i don’t know, i just don’t have good ideas for writting Nekaltas

Gėlė Mirkt

Cha cha Cha cha Cha cha I knew there will be people here that have somehting already Mirkt What would the collection be called?

A lot of good books are like that, I bet it would be very interesting.

Wajej(LT)…sorry…I’m very distracted Pavargęs.Maby it would help.I don’t know I think it would be interesting for diferent kinds of people.It is interesting to read about others life and compare it with yours.Don’t you think so? Nekaltas

Yep, I noticed that you are distracted. Could you please loose the italics, while you are being distracted? It is easier to read normal font. Yes, I find it very interesting reading about some people’s lifes. But that can be boring too.

it will be a science ficion … Nekaltas

i’d like to write a book about teenagers.and the end would be sad,and u know,im gonna do that! Liežuvis

something along the lines of “In a galaxy far far away…”? Or something like, “42”?

why would the ending be sad?