Harley VS

Harley VS

Harleys are always attractive.

Harleys don’t get pregnant.

You can ride a Harley any time of the month.

Harleys don’t have parents.

Harleys don’t whine(verkslenti) unless something is really wrong.

You can kick your Harley to wake it up.

You can share your Harley with your friends.

If your Harley makes too much noise, you can buy a muffler.(duslintuvas)

You only need to get a new chain or belt for your Harley when the old one

Harleys don’t care about how many other Harleys you have ridden.

When riding, you and your Harley both arrive at the same time.

Harleys don’t care about how many other Harleys you have.

Harleys don’t mind if you look at other Harleys, or if you buy Motorcycle magazines.

You can have a beer while riding your Harley.

You don’t have to be jealous of the guy that works on your Harley.

If you say bad things to your Harley, you don’t have to apologize before you can ride it again.

You can ride a Harley as long as you want and it won’t get sore.

Your parents don’t remain in touch with your old Harley after you dump it.
Harleys always feel like going for a ride.

Harleys don’t insult you if you’re a bad rider.

Your Harley never wants a night out alone with the other Harleys.

Harleys don’t care if you are late.

You don’t have to take a shower before riding your Harley.

If your Harley doesn’t look good, you can paint it or get better parts.

You can’t get diseases from a Harley you don’t know very well.

If you get rid of your Harley it doesn’t get to keep half of your stuff.

If you leave town you don’t have to worry if your Harley is letting somebody else ride it.

You can trade your Harley in for a newer model without paying alimony.

Your Harley doesn’t mind if you play with it in public.

Your Harley has an off switch.

You can totally ignore your Harley as long as you want Šypsena.

Your Harley won’t get offended if you suggest bigger, aftermarket headlights.

You know exactly how much your Harley is going to take out of your checking account each month.

People envy your Harley more the older it gets.

You can get your Harley hot and ready with 2 minutes of sitting on your ****.

Your Harley doesn’t mind waiting outside while you go into a strip club.

You can sit, sipping on a cool J.D. & stare at your Harley for hours & it won’t ask you any stupid questions!

If you take care of your Harley, it will never get too old for you to ride it.


na jei kas jau visai anglu neikertat galiu padaryt soky toky vertima NekaltasNekaltas
bet man graziau skaitos angliskai TaipTaipTaip

Panasiai kaip ir su alum… TaipTaipTaip

tikra ir patikrinta tiesa…Cha chaCha chaCha chaCha cha

Daugiau kaip puse ikirtau bet kiti truputi strigoNekaltas bet esme galima suprasti ir is keletos…

gerai pasakyta,tikra teisybe GeraiŠypsena


Gerai Gaila tik puse supratau Šypsena

mokinkis is tiek kiek suprataiJuokiasi Svarbiausia yra pagauti minti…

Harleys are always attractive.
It’s immortal truth. YeahhhhAlusGeraiAlusGeraiAlusGerai

Va pas mane buvo panashi versija lietuvishkai:


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Visados atvyksta į sutartą vietą tuo pačiu metu ,kaip ir tu.
Jam nusispjaut ,jei tu pavėluosi.
Niekados nesidomi:o kiek motociklų turėjai prieš mane?
Neturi tėvų.
Niekados nerengia "pasisėdėjimų"su kitais motociklais.
Jei atrodo prastokai,galima perdažyti ar pakeisti susidėvėjusias
Jis neįsižeidžia,jei dairaisi į kitus motociklus.
Niekados neverkšlena,kad jam skauda galvą.
Iš jo niekada neišgirsi;žnai,turesi mažą"Harlėjuką".
Jį galima skolinti draugams.
Net didžiausias moralistas neprieštaraus,jei turėsi keletą motociklų.
Jis niekada neprikiš:o štai anąkart buvo daug geriau.
Atsikratęs nusibodusio "Harley",gali nesibaiminti,kad su juo toliau draugaus tavo sesuo.
Neprieštarauja,jei perki žurnalus,kuriose įvairiais rakursais pavaizduoti motociklai.
Tu nepavydi,jei kas glosto tavo "Harley".
Jei sukvailios,lengva priversti atsipeikėti.
Rytais visiškai nebūtina lieti padėkos žodžių.
Suprasti jo būseną daug lengviau,o dėmesio reikalauja daug mažiau.

Taigi uz toki nuosabu ir ishtikima baikerio drauga Alus

daugelis net sutampa Mirkt
as jau buvau pradejes versti, bet truko kantrybe GirtasGirtasGirtas

Nors prie sirdies dekJuokiasi

Gerai issireikstaCha chaCha chaCha cha

TeisybeCha chaGerai


taip normaliai pasistengeCha cha netingejo clrt V spaudinetiJuokiasiJuokiasiJuokiasi

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