

amzinatilsis Angelas

07-01-2000 Angelas

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On January 7, 2000, Gary Albright wrestled at a World Xtreme Wrestling show in Hazleton, Pennsylvania against Lucifer Grimm (real name Bill Owens). After being hit with an Ace Crusher, Albright collapsed to the canvas. A worried Lucifer Grimm rolled Albright on top of himself to finish the match after which concerned wrestlers and ring crew tried to resuscitate him. Albright was pronounced dead shortly after being removed from the ring[1]. The official cause of death is listed as a heart attack. The medical examiners also found that Albright suffered from diabetes, had an enlarged heart, and blockage of several coronary arteries[17]. Because it was determined that Albright died of natural causes, the police were never involved in the matter[18]. Albright was survived by his wife Monica Anoa’i, his son, and two daughters.


smagu buvo į jį žiūrėti Girtas

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nostalgija Girtas Tas jo rankos paspaudimas pries kova toks teviskas ir nieko blogo nelinkintis atrodydavo Cha cha O tos kovos su takada… Angelas

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amzina atilsi Angelas Gėlė. RIP

Gerai Nežinau Gėlė

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