"Fonoteka" in English?

"Fonoteka" in English?

ar yra anglishkas atitikmuo zhodzhiui "fonoteka"?
ar tai tiesiog collection?

fonotheque arba phonotheque Nekaltas pataisykit jei as klystu ir jei cia padariau naujadara Cha cha

aha, ash irgi taip maniau, bet wordas neatpazhista tokiu zhodzhiu. o gal cia tiesiog wordo trukumas?

manau ne worde reik ziuret ar zodiz geras, o zodyne

I would say audio collection, but then, you have to be more specific, like, I have a huge CD collection, or I have … audio tape collection. You have to be proud of your collection, and it’s kind of important what are you collecting, CDs or tapes.

neklauschiau, jei buchiau radus zhodyne