Do you like communicating with foreigners

Do you like communicating with foreigners

Question: do you like communicating to foreigners? why?

It’s always interesting to communicate with people from different countries…

believe me, not always, especially with japanese…

I don’t like it, because I don’t understand their languages Ne


What about English? I think, most of people know this language NekaltasLaimingas

It’s true that most people know English, especially bad english(as one my friend from USA said) Šypsena but we should know other languages too, shouldn’t we?

What languages in your opinion should we know?

Of course I like! Šypsena It is so interesting to know about their culture, festivals, traditions, nature and so on! Šypsena

yes, especially with mexicansJuokiasithey speak so "clear", ohoho…

no, no no Labas

[quote]Karminta rašė:
What about English? I think, most of people know this language NekaltasLaimingas

Actually, I don’t know numbers, but there are more people who speak Cantonese (a type of Chinese) than any other language in the world. Nekaltas

of cource i like Taip it’s very interesting Nekaltas

Actually, I don’t know numbers, but there are more people who speak Cantonese (a type of Chinese) than any other language in the world. Nekaltas


Yeah Taip Because China has the largest population in the world…

yes i like, but mostly with my friends from foreigners contrysApkabinimas it’s nice to known how they are doingTaip and in the sommer time to meet them and to talk for realApkabinimasLabas

Taip Laimingas

Good question. But it is so much depends on many things.
For example it is great to communicate with person you like, but how socialize with people you are not interesting in at all. How to explain them that there are no common interests or any kind of such things.
Communication can be as good as bad. And it is not only about your skills in language.
It is very much associated with traditions, memories even sometimes rasicism or any other things.

But in my opinion it is better to have any kind of experience, good or bad is beter than nothing.

I agreeGerai

oh yeah… i like it… it’s fun… sometimes to communicate with foreigners is more interesting than with Lithuanians… and if about language… it’s easy to speak English with an American or British, but if you try to speak English with a French, Norwegian or Dutch person… sometimes not so easy to understand what they wanna say…