

Islandija!!! aa;\ beje tavo niko grupe man labiau prie sirdies, o ypac ju klipai,kurie visai arti tobulybes sedi;\

beje, vaziuojam i Islandija? Girdejai ju chora? Ju zymiaja ‘odin’s raven magic’? Eh! Gal teko matyti filma ‘Klykiantis sedevras’ apie islandu muzika? Jeigu neteko, tai va, vieno muzikanto, Bardi Johannson’o, citata is to filmo: “Why is Icelandic music so special?The reason is that all the bands that are any goodthey all knew that their music won’t be played on the radio,and they know they won’t sell more than 200 albums in Iceland,So they make music just as they please.” Viskas! daugiau nieko nereik!

Aga, Sigur Ros Gerai Cha cha

Kokis mielas žvėrelis Apkabinimas

mmm ji nuostbiai grazi…

zavi sioje foto.

nuostabi asmenybe Angelas