What's Cooking?

What’s Cooking? Niam niam

Some people are better cooks than others, but most people have a dish that they can prepare especially well. What dish that you prepare makes you proud? Is it something very easy and clever, or is it a very complex recipie? I make great Chicken Curry Masala Niam niam

apple cake Cha chajelly and fruits cake Niam niam Girtasand maybe very simple soup with vegetables Nekaltas

chicken with mushrooms and nuts - easiest dish to prepare ever Cha cha and very tasty Niam niamsometimes! i like to prepare those complicated exotic dishes with a long long list of ingredients Cha cha (it’s quite a challenge to find all of them in a shop). i’m not saying i’m very good at it, but it’s fun Laimingas to try, at least…

mmm, sounds good Cha cha Can you share your recipe, please? Laimingas

And you were saying you don’t cook Cha chaYou can make desserts and soup- don’t need much else Cha cha

A pie called “Tinginys” Cha cha,and few more desserts Niam niam

yep, “tinginys” is great Niam niam. Although you would not call it pie, but a cake, since pie is very specific type of cake. Logical explanation: Pie is a cake, but not all cakes are pies Cha chaWhat other desserts do you make?

well Nekaltas… sure i can Šypsena chicken fillet pieces + mushrooms + nuts(any kind you like - for me it’s best with almonds)+ a lot of curry Cha cha and here you are Šypsena

mmmm Niam niam tinginys Cha cha i will make for Easter for sure Kietas Cha cha

i was joking Liežuvis Cha cha

i think i should be able to do more Cha cha Juokiasi

Cha cha sounds like something I would make Cha cha. I cook a lot with curry, will try with nuts + curry too, thank you.

I am sure you can fry an egg Mirkt

garlic crab… and a shrimp and pilaf dish, which also has curry in it… lasagna… seven-layer salad (with a secret ingredient)… chicken noodle soup from scratch… ,agurkine" Gerai

wow… recipies please Cha cha

for which one? i’ll tell you right off the top-- they all take a long time. so if you want something quick-- it’s not these babies…

all of them… and it does not matter how long they take Cha chathanks! Gėlė

ok. i’ll bring all my notes to work with me tomorrow-- i have trouble remembering what follows what (a lot of my recipes do depend on which ingredient comes after which)… do you want them here? or in private?

ok. tomorrow sometime, as long as i don’t get stuck with a lot of breaking news. Girtas

thank you! OT: I wish I could say I have a job where I can get stuck with a lot of breaking news Girtas