The longest English word

The longest English word

do you know the longest english word?


ohoooooooooooooooo!!!Apakęs Apakęs
cia pats sugalvojai? ar istraukei is kazkur tai? Cha cha

surely not. turiu va saltiniu…
other long words are:





shokas! Apakęs

mano buvo - antidisestablishmentarianism
jau man vien jo uzteko, mokiausi tarti kelias dienas, o spelinti dar biski…

ha ha! Cha cha
o tu pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis ismok tart! Šypsena

trinitrophenylmethylnitramine - sitas biski vaistus primena…Nekaltas

ha ha! Cha cha
o tu pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis ismok tart! Šypsena


tarti kaip tarti, o paspelinti tai vat butu uzduotis…

of course scientific names (derived from latin) of the chemical substances and various illneses are the longest ones in all the world languages and not only in english, so there are no any essence to put them here. Besides - chemical names usually are written using hyphens.
Try to spell this one:
aequeosalinocalcalinoceraceoaluminosocupreovitriolic (52 letters) Juokiasi

dammit tu mano zodi aplenkei 7-niom raidem! Cha cha

neblogai jus cia, kosmaras kazkoks, tai ne musu…
neprisikiskiakopusteliaudamas…Cha cha

nu anglu ilgi zodziai dauguma visokie beveik nenaudojami chemijos terminai sudurtiniai… kaip ir rasyta jau…

dar reik sugalvot tokiu ilgu…Nekaltas

i think that the right order of the letters ar this:
by the way, the place in your word I note is with mistake…there should be e not iaMirkt

sorry …


i think that’s how it is…


you wishLiežuvisJuokiasi
okay okay…it’s no matter, is it?Mirkt