The longest English word

of course, it doesn’t matter…

ps. still, my word is longer that yours by 5 letters Šypsena

so what?LiežuvisCha cha
but you word makes no sence - nebepri…!? but I agree with you, so…peaceMirkt

what!? my word makes sence! Cha cha

ok ok, peace

IN IRAQ not here JuokiasiJuokiasi

lots of people told me that the longest english word is from mary poppins Cha cha it’s


no way, this one’s SHORT Cha cha

so what’s how…okay… so the war must go on!PiktasLiežuvis

i have one question… i hope so it wouldh’t be very stupid… but mary poppins is from Carlson how flyied on the roof?Nekaltas

hehe, let’s see what happens if we translate it to english Šypsena

short Žliumbia

Once I asked one English man about the longest word… Cha cha
His answer was smiles because from S to S is one mile Juokiasi It’s a joke but a really good one Cha cha

your question IS very stupid Juokiasi