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Kiekvienas mato pagal savo sugedimo laipsnį Mirkt

aciu Šypsena

neturiu ka pridurti.

sausa sankaba jautresne(mazesni nuostoliai perduodant momenta), lengvesne, jos trinties ir degimo “produktai” buksavimo metu nepatenka i tepala, o slapia-maziau kashtuoja gamintojui pagamint, sunkesne, buksuojant tersia tepala.

Cha cha

sausa kiek bandau mastyt gal greiciau dyla,daugeu triuksmo, bet zymej sportiskesnio harakterio, nu o ramiakams ir serijiniams-slapia geriau(tepalo vonioj)ji komfortiskesne,lgaamze… Cha cha Cha chaatspejau?

wet clutch - sudreke jaunikliai Cha cha

??? Šypsena Šypsena Šypsena

matt, netingek pasieskot kokiam google kas yra dry ir wet clutch Šypsena Ducati Monsters come with two types of clutches: wet and dry. A wet clutch simply means that the clutch is surrounded by motor oil; this is the same type of clutch that’s on a car and most other bikes. Wet clutches are inherently quiet, so if yours is noisy then it might be an indication of wear or other problem. Generally bikes less than 800 cc (double check that 800) have wet clutches. The remainder of this FAQ relates to dry clutches; wet ones don’t have dust to contend with. 800 cc and above bikes have dry clutches, so called because they have no oil surrounding them. With these types of clutches a certain amount of clatter at idle or with the clutch pulled in is normal. If the clutch has an open clutch cover (you can see the clutch plate spinning or the cover has spacers to leave a gap) the sound can be quite loud, often causing ‘helpful’ bystanders to tell you your bike needs service.

o kas nors gali pasakyt kas yra sausa sankaba jos + ir -? turiu daigta o nieko nezinau apie ji Cha cha

CerBeR1-pas italus sausa sankaba iprastas dalykas.

nida taip tuninginis, kai uzveda tai sukasi visas tas, modernoj toks stovi ant v-maxo cahsper Mirkt Mirktcia S4R monster

sausa sankaba ideta Šypsena geras

Fain aparatas toks faighteriovas

NIDA: tas raudonas tai cia sankaba Šypsena

ishmetimas gerulis , matt dabar jau turbut nagus grauzhia Cha cha

cia tas raudonas dangtelis tipo tiuninginis variklio dangtelis? ar kaip cia suprast?