help me - <i>(I want to learn English)</i>

su jumis ne anglu ismoksi, o gert

Cha chaCha chaCha chaCha chaCha chaCha cha

tai ka gersim?


aiskiai, nei tu nei as taip anglu neismoksim Liežuvis

I can help you.LabasI am not a teacher but I can.Graži

jei tiesingai supratau pirma sakini I can help you , tai tu gali man padet?nes as anglu pati pati minimuma kertu:/

Jo, o po ta rashe, kad ji ne mokytoja, bet vis tiek gali padeti…Taip Va jaw moki didzhiaja dali anglu kalbos! Cha chaCha chaCha cha

Firstly you should be self motivated .And self motivation is one and the largest step willing to learn english.You are suposed to realise that information is everywhere and the question is how to take this all information.As example information is tv , internet , computer games , and while doing this you can also learn english .So sugestion for you is just to watch english tv programs , to play english computer games and I think so some after one year you would fluently talk in english , like I Mirkt

Help me in love Malaja and I will help you in english , just kidding =)

as i remember you are… kiek pamenu tu studijuoji VPU tia ligtais Vilniuje?
Jei tai butu Kaune tai manau butuma galima ka nors sugalvoti.

well no I am just 12th former ,I will enter into the university just in this summer .

Zinok, lengva nebus…


I grew up learning English, and studied French when I was young. (I know like three phrases in Lithuanian unfortunately - &quot;Cat&quot;, &quot;Merry Christmas&quot;, and &quot;Kiss My Ass&quot;)

The trick to a 2nd language is to try and think in that 2nd language. The Human Brain is theroetically formed around our use of language, so try and think in English to help better your new skill!!!


absolutely, Sailor is right. i remember myself walking around in the streets, mumbling different words that i pretended i would say to people i meet on the streets, waiters, friends and carry on imaginary conversations. and many times after i would remember the phrases that i &quot;prepared&quot; this way much quicker when i really needed them Šypsena Taip