GAME: The person below me


Do you have something against Chuck? Be afraid, because he doesn’t know a thing like man or a woman, he ownly sees the dead men walking Valio

He is a legend. As the story goes, Chuck doesn’t sleep, he waits.MirktCha cha
TPBM is a very best Chuck’s friend.Cha cha

No LiūdnasCha cha
TPBM thinks that Chuck doesn’t hunt, he kills Juokiasi

Yes of course. It’s the plain truth.Mirkt
TPBM knows that guns don’t kill people, Chuck kills people.Mirkt

That’s what’s up Cha cha
TPBM knows the fact that Chuck Norris has already been to Mars; that’s why there are no signs of life there.

Oh yes.Cha cha
TPBM know that Chuck never goes hunting, Chuck goes killing.Mirkt

Welll, for sure Taip
TPBM IS Chuck Valio !!!

No, because there’s one god in the world. And his name is Chuck Valio
TPBM is new to bitė+ Labas


TPBM prefers football to basketball.

No, but football is good too.
TPBM is a goth.


TPBM is afraid because of slow internet.

SometimesCha cha.
TPBM is eleventh.


TPBM hates history.

Oh yes, I have a zero knowledge of historyCha cha
TPBM prefers exact sciences to humane studies.


TPBM can skate on the ice very well.

I can skate quite good.
TPBM likes skiing.


TPBM is especially feminine/masculine.

No, I’m normal Cha cha

TPBM is crazy about ice-cream Cha cha

Not really Ne
TPBM enjoys soap operas.