Do you have any phobias?

As truputi bijau tamsos Šikšnosparnis

yeah probably Šypsena clownafobia

i found out what i’m afraid of.
i’m afraid of humanity. ApakęsApakęsApakęs

What about paranoia? Is it phobia? Who knows? Nustebęs

Sometimes I’m afraid to go alone in the evening or on the night Vilnius.

How do I control myself? I drink valerian drops or tablet MirktLiežuvisJuokiasi

It’s the week of Halloween. Good time to discuss things that scare us… What scares you??? Apakęs Apakęs Apakęs Apakęs

Thanatophobia- a fear of death << sometimes i think…how will i look when i’ll be dead…ussually i think about these things when i lose close friends/family membersNežinau and now…when october the 1st is near…i think much more about it…ech…Angelas

hmz. parajona nemanau kad fobija Nekaltas
paranoja tai bendras dalykas kazkoks, jos prigimtis gali buti labai ivairi. o fobija - butent kazkokio tam tikro dalyko baime. tarkim kompiuteriu.
idomu yra tokia kompiuterofobija? Cha cha

arQuessir - You asked; here’s your answer:

Cyberphobia- Fear of computers or working on a computer.

wow. as tik juokavau. ale rimtai yra tokia… Apakęs

I didn’t see any &quot;fear of asking questions&quot;, but did see this:

Geliophobia- Fear of laughter: Juokiasi Juokiasi Juokiasi Baisu Apakęs

I don’t have any. Girtas

and i am afraid of lifts, it so auful. every time i trevel in an unknown lift alone i feel very uncomfortable Žliumbia
but in all othere spheres i have no fears Laimingas

no, i think that i don’t have phobias… i hope soNekaltas

Algophobia - a fear of pain. yeah really i think i have this one, but i’m trying to fight itNustebęs
and sometimes claustrophobia but not very strongNežinau

well that’s interesting.
i guess such a person would be very boring then :confused: