Banned from EFC

nugis tada pats ir kaltas buvoMirkt

Eight person banned: TOMSILIM
for sending links to his Outwar game.

nde chebra, ciuju jie cia visi labas rytas i anglu kalba isverte kaip f…ck y.o Cha cha Juokiasi

Ninth person banned Archizz - again, for the game Pavargęs

user WAR banned for posting outwar link

well Liežuvis

11th person banned from EFC: debilų_debilas

She received a warning for her topic, and replied:

[quote]Nuo: debilų_debilas 2004-01-23 15:28:18
uostyk debile kas man tas banas
nori du tau duosiu

Interesting Mirkt.

One more banned from EFC - AiwAriukAs
You saw what he did.

BARONAS banned from EFC again. But this time for longer time.

I don’t want to be the man who says “I told you so”, but I TOLD YOU SO… Cha cha What did he do this time?

Who is he????

spammer and flooder Nekaltas

Oh. I should have figured.Drovus

Ykogawa and I discussed it, and thought it would be Gerai great to un-ban gendalfas. Taip

Unfortunately, gendalfas abused the first opportunity to write in here, and I deleted his messages and banned him… again.


o vis tik idomu sakyciau… gendalfas banyjamas, tuo tarpu cc uz identiskas zinutes galvyte paglosto… keista vienok… nu bet ka jau cia, jusu smelio deze, jums geriau zinot Cha cha

No, olo, I have to disagree. When somebody is singled-out and put down, trashed, humiliated, etc., it’s worth the ban. Unless I missed it, I don’t recall seeing such bliambaant disregard to a single person from CC. Nežinau
I deleted the comments, because there is no reason for anyone to have to read such unwarranted negative comments about themselves - here - or anywhere.

et, zodziu. keistai jus cia tvarkotes. bet jusu reikalas. man tai kas, as ne petras Cha cha

[quote]olo rašė:
et, zodziu. keistai jus cia tvarkotes. bet jusu reikalas. man tai kas, as ne petras Cha cha

Gal buk Petru… Mirkt

neiseis. nuo giminaicuio vieno neskirs tuomet LiežuvisCha cha esmi tas, kas esmi, ir tuom labai netgi patenkintas Cha cha