2 WDZ ir Mental irc banus nuemiau Mentalai gali padekoti WDZ prashychiau purvais nesitashkyti ir etc gerbti kitus netgi lamao visishkus … Mental filtruok leksika
WDZ_communist susisiek su manim duosiu pass koki pas zhinai
servas ir downloadai http://ltf.esu.as/files/ArmyOps170.exe full download ishejus versijai v1.90 idesiu ir ja
savo duomenys siunchiam [email protected]
siunchiam nuoroda i savo profili trackeryje, kas dar neseregistraves registruojates taip pat nepamirshkite registruotis ir world war shalies tikiuosi nurodyti nereikia
Ir liudnos ir geros naujienos v1.90 beiveik baigtas tik tiesiog shiek tiek pristabde jo galutini ishleidima
[DEV]Abraxas Posted: 2003-07-23 23:10:36
We have frozen the code and all art assets. V1.9 is now in the final phases of testing. While I still cannot tell you a date (since testers could yet discover some fatal flaw), I will tell you that 1.9 is almost in the can.
Executive Producer/Director
America’s Army
He who knows little suspects much
Update same source:
On 2003-07-24 00:09:17, [DEV] Abraxas wrote:
If the beta testers dont find anything do u think well have it by tommorow? Im so impatient i could sit and refresh the aa page all month if i could lol jk but its sounding good and thanks
No, there are still some finalization steps that must be taken. Honestly, I wouldn’t expect it this week. I’ll better know where things stand next week. I’ll try to update you then.