Joe B. Watertown,CT

Joe B. Watertown,CT

Hello All!
My name is Joe, I am 38 and from the USA.
I have been looking at the posts and find them very interesting.
I will be happy to answer any questions anyone may have to the best of my ability.
If I do not know the answer i will try to find one.

This is a wonderful club and I wish you all luck!!!
Now if I could only learn Lithuanian!!!

My private Email is [email protected]


Wecome to the club, Joe!! Šypsena

Yes, Joe, Labas welcome to the club! Please visit often and correct errors if you see them (although they are getting rare). Cha cha It’s a great group of people to communicate with. Taip

Thanks for the welcome!,
I see there have been several other visitors, so please leave a comment or question or anything else that is on your mindMirkt

Hi Joe,
I see you are from Connecticut Šypsena I am going there (Bethlehem to start with) next Summer Šypsena It’s really cool that foreigners join this club, too. How did you find this website? (just curious).
PS Funny as it is, I scored the same amount of points in the English test Šypsena (91 that is).

It is nice surprise for all us. Gerai And I hope, that others participans will agree with me, that it is a great event, when foreigner is so kind to join us in this club. Please don‘t condemn us for our mistakes, Piktas we only learn and we are expecting you to help us in this. Your opinion suggestions, answers will be appreciate. Taip

Hello Joe Labas

hey Joe B. Watertown , CT

i’m lithuanian, live in woodbridge ,CT.
welcome to the club.

just i can’t understand how did you find it. Apakęs

Cha chaCha chaCha cha

I guess i found it like you did!!
it is easy on the internet to find Lithuanian sites

i wonder why u were looking for Lithuanian sites? Šypsena

I am of Lithuanian Heritage and I enjoy reading and learning of this.
I have been to LT two times and I will be there in another week.
But I regret I do not speak the language
Both my Grandparents on mothers side are from LT and Grandmother on fathers side is from there also, Varena and Balibierskis (sp)
It would be wonderful to meet a nice woman from there, as I am singleMirktMirkt
Or any new friends for that matter!


Here’s the weather forecast for Varena:
Bbbbbrrrrrrr (cold!) Taip

And since you’ve been to LT before, this may not be new to you:
(Notice the # 1 most interesting geological nature monument).

And here you’ll find an artistic perspective of Balbieriskis:
(4th from the bottom)

(and this one is 4th from the top):

Good luck on your trip! Hope you get to meet some of the members here in EF! If so, have a Taurė or Alus for me! Cha cha

… Hope you have a great Širdis time. Mirkt

daktarui-> užsuk į skaidruolę “Pasipergyvenkime”

Kažkokiam puslapy… Cha cha

Kur guli šitie straipsniai?

bet kokiu atveju reikia bausti - kad ir autoriai nurodyti - negauta is ju sutikimo plius kas bene svarbiausia - i autorius jokios nuorodos - tai reiskia kad autoriai yra jo “komanda” - automatiskai - tiu tiu tiu tiu

dariniz, vakar buvo, aš irgi vakar offtopike pasiknisau ir pasipiktinau Piktasautoriai buvo nurodyti - kaipo walio prie w2k3, Valius čia ir tt

kas cia?

O vakar ar buvo šis įrašas?