Warhammer 40k : dawn of the war +expansionai

Warhammer 40k : dawn of the war +expansionai

Labai geras zaidimas,tikrai siuliciau visiem pamegint,ypac RTS gerbejams Šypsena

Man asmeniskai tokia 3D strategija nelabai… Nors grafika tai nebloga Šypsena

Nu kam patiko Warcraft ir Starcraft,tai manau patiks,nes labai panasus Cha cha

jo, intarpai idomiai atrodo (gal is Blizzard’o? Cha cha), ir dar… ne Down o Dawn Cha cha

dekui,skubedamas rasiau Mirkt

Kovinis plaktukas: karo ■■■■■■ Cha cha

Kovinis Plaktukas: Karo aušra Mirkt

as pusiau lietuvishkai Šypsena

Blin gal bus geras. ankstesnes dalys patiko tik kad i 3d pasauli viska perkelt nezin ar tikslinga dar tikiuos kad ishlaikys savo stiliu t.y. Nereiks statyt junitu bus rpg tipo bei laisve

tai pasakykit,sita bus galima lost per single player??ar cia tik per neta bus?? Pavargęs

Pazystamas lose, sake nerealus Gerai

Single cia gamespy ivertinimas 4,5 su pliusu ish 5. Zaidimas ishliko toks pat tik 3d grafika. TAip pat vadovauji komandom tam tikrame mape. pc.gamespy.com/pc/warhammer-40000-dawn-of-war/548862p1.html

Trumpai kas per wap ar tikgi viska skaityt: Imagine standard fantasy tropes like orcs and elves and wizards and demons. Now drop them into a science fiction universe so that the Orks and Eldar and the forces of Chaos battle it out using depleted uranium shells, spaceships, and laser weapons. That’s the world 40,000 years in the future where the human Imperium, a brutal religious dictatorship, battles for the survival of the race against a universe filled with hostile aliens bent on its destruction. Dawn of War’s strongest point is immediately obvious the moment the game begins - sheer graphic beauty. The beauty is more than just a powerful 3D engine, though. The game’s art design is simply stunning. Zooming in any unit or building in the game reveals a wealth of fascinating detail that’s been included on the game’s models. Hardened human soldiers sport old scars. Space Marine battle armor bears a variety of insignia, ribbons, medals, and battle standards that, while not affecting the gameplay directly, serve wonderfully to pull the player into the world. One particular example of this really brought home how much effort Relic put into essentially bringing the miniature figures of the tabletop game to life - the Librarian unit. Librarians are powerful psychic soldiers that also serve as Space Marine archivists. The identity of the unit could have been easily established just by putting a book shaped design on the soldier’s armor. Instead, Relic went to the trouble of creating a real 3D book strapped to the Librarian’s shoulder pauldron – including brackets to hold it down! The majority of the game’s graphic beauty lies in the animations, though. I don’t think that, to date, there has ever been an RTS game with battles that are this much fun to watch. Every unit in the game has extraordinarily detailed animations with different types of combat moves based on what they’re actually doing and whom they’re fighting. Units don’t just go through a “fighting sequence,” they actually get in there and really interact with their opponents. The result of this is that wherever you look on the battlefield, something insanely cool is going on.

Tik tike kad gaidys nx warhammer 40,000 o ne warhammer. Nes warhhamer 40.000 yra apie ateiti tankai bei t.t. O jei butu warhammer butu senove riteriai ir t.t. ;(

Zaidas nerealus,losiu jau kokias 5h ,atsiplest negaliu Apakęs Cha cha

jezau , papasakok kas chia per daiktas ? kuom ypatingas, per games.lt laida machiau, kad rodos robotai shaudos ar kaip ten ?

ten kaip supratau 4 rases yra,zaidziu uz marines dabar(Zmones) Cha cha siaip labai panasus i warcraft Šypsena ziauriai geras ir idomus-labai itraukiantis zaidas,REKOMENDUOJU pamegint Mirkt p.s strategija su rpg elementais Cha cha Gerai Taip

Labai kokybishka RTS, seniai tokios laukiau, ot tai WarCraft 3 pradeda nusibost ir per bneta. Dawn of War galima zaist ir SP ir MP, SP primena Blizzard kurinius, toks kokybishkai padarytas, igarsinimai ir priesu kariuomenes ivairove ir strateginis ju panaudojimas. Naujove ta kad nereik rinkt aukso, resursu duoda uz vietoves kontrole, ty ira tokie punktai ir kai juos paemi gauni pinigu pastatams ir kariuomeney. labai maloni grafika ir kruti garsai, noreciau kad blizzard starcraft padarytu panasiai :liux:
