Top 10 reasons for being... (angl.)

Top 10 reasons for being… (angl.)

Nedaskajceu iki galo bet normalej TaipMirkt

Geras vadovas Gerai litovcams, norintiems išsirinkti kitą tautybę Cha chaCha chaCha cha

Juokiasi Cool! Gerai O gal kas zino "Top 10 reasons for being lithuanian"? Gal kas sugalvojo? aš kol kas išspaudžiau tik septynias ir tos ne pačios geriausios… Drovus Padėkit !!!

1.In other countries you are known for basketball
2.You are proud,'cause you are known for basketball
3.You think that your country girls are the most beautifull and still don’t appreciate them
4.If you don’t have a job you can always go abroad and become a crinminal( you’re not the first one anyway)
5.You can laught from estonian and know they don’t do the same
6. You can beat Scotland in football(and only them(once)) can proudly say, that you know ALL kings of Lithuania

Cha cha Nekaltas

puiku Šypsena

xixixixixi xiCha cha sitas taj joCha cha

You can tolk in Englis, Russian, Latino, France, Spain, Italiano, German… but you can’t understand them

sorry uz kladas jei padariau Angelas

PRasyciau pakeist nuotraukos pavadinima i “verute” Cha cha

Playtne -> nu va toks! Nekaltas Cha cha

heheh… waizdelis nekox… Šypsena

na ir koks gi ash ?? Nekaltas

ot koks Kanda Cha cha

tai as zinau, kad jis man antipatija siokia tokia jaucia, tai yra akivaizdu. tam ir dejo kabutes Šypsena

cia as dar po bemieges paros ir po hmmm gal tik 4 bokalo ta diena Šypsena

a veracka pamirshot?

Playtne, o kam kabutes? Cha cha

o kam to reikia ir taip “sexuali” atrodo Liežuvis

akys i viena tashka nesueina Cha cha

Šypsena geras kadras ania Cha cha tokia visai negirta Liežuvis

verute, kas tau? Nustebęs