Padėkit sutvarkyti IE adreso eilutę...

Padėkit sutvarkyti IE adreso eilutę…

Bėda tokia: įsiveisė kompe kažkas ir landžiojant po ineta, parašius kokį adresą, pvz , vėliau pažiūrėjus adresų eilutėj, adresas būna užrašytas taip: . Nueina normaliai į . Iš anksto dėkoju.

NEREIK landzioti po xxx puslapius ir neprisigaudysi visokiu trojanu.

kokia antivirusine naudoji ???

Norton antivirus, bet nepagauna.

Uzheik pas mane i puslapi ir parsipoosk KAV pades

Cha cha


blogiausiu atveju pasidarai bootinius diskelius
1.diskas KAV for LINUX WS Antiviral bases ir enjoy

Neišnaikinu niekaip…

Pasizhiurek c:\windows kataloge turetu ten buti tas ****ukaz html formatu

Manau pas tave spywaro kompe privise…
Atsivaryk programulke Ad Ware, arba Spy Bot ir ishvalyk pc

nemanau kad kokianors antivirusine suras ta s***uda bet gali pabandyti PC DOOR GUARD . netgi mano kompe surado viena zaraza, o as niekad gyvenime antivirusu nenaudojau…va taip


Pabandyk sita utele
gal pades

Dėl pakeisto temos pavadinimo paskaityk

problema gana nesudetinga, tik tex palandzhioti po registrus.
tai va:
1.start meniu juostoje paleidi run.
2.ten irasai regedit. [enter]
3. Edit pasirenki find.
4. irashai ir uzhdedi varneles ant visu Look at lauku
5. Spaudi Find next.

kai randa koki nors irasa, apie tai rodys irashai deshineje puseje, ji reikia pakeisti i " http://&quot ;

keitimas daromas paprashciausiai pelyte paspaudus du kartus ir vietoj to ilgo uzrasho palik tik " http://&quot ;.

butinai surask visus irashus ir pakeisk, pakeites spausk F3, kad rastu kita.

atrodo viska ishpasakojau. Sekmes!!!

Aiškiai išdėstei, bet parašius redegit, kažkokias nesąmones išmeta.

Na tox knopkinas kairiam apatiniam kampe buna dazhniausiaiLabas

rashyk REGEDIT o ne redegit

Ka cia svaigstat, format c: ir problemos dingsMirkt

Parašau, bet išmeta "Cannot load VDM IPX/SPX support" ir dar kelias eilutes belekokių nesąmoniu ir kompas labai pypsi. Dar bet ką spaudžiant vėl tas pats.

Tikriausiai pas tave Unixas ar Linuxas, dabar format c: geriausia isheitisNe.
Va prie ko priveda Gils Adult. Parishk su tais dalykais, naudok Kazaa ir nereiks disko formatuoti.

Intere yra sprendimas jei sharini anglishkai pabandyk, nes ash tingiu versti, o be to neturiu kur ishbandyti, nes pas mane XP veikia gerai, pas tave tikriausiai 2000.

When making official output with encryption enabled the following message is displayed: Cannot Load VDM IPX/SPX Support

This is the result of some program loaded by AUTOEXEC.NT (Novell stuff) whenever 16-bit such as PGP is started. On such system=s the AUTOEXEC.NT should be adapted such that it doesn’t execute the offending commands.

The user must make a PGP.PIF such that PGP.EXE uses a dummy AUTOEXEC.NT that doesn’t execute the offending commands of the original AUTOEXEC.NT.

This is only necessary on NT (Windows 2000 or Windows XP), with Client Services for Novell (CSNW), where this problem can occur (the problem should therefore not happen too often).

This process cannot be automated as it depends on the user configuration and place of installation of the PSI package. For this reason the PGP.PIF file cannot be made available by the support team or CNA.

To make the PGP.PIF proceed as follows:

  1. In the Windows Explort go to the …\LU\PGP directory
    1a) Copy the supplied ‘dummy’ autoexec.nt file to this directory.
  2. Select PGP.EXE
  3. Press the right mouse ****on and select the Properties option from the context menu.
  4. On the properties dialog that appears select the Program tab.
  5. Click the advanced ****on. This starts the "Windows PIF Settings" dialog.
  6. Enter a new path for the "Autoexec filename" field (the alternative Autoexec.nt file copied in step 1a).
  7. Press OK several times to confirm the changes.

Later it turned out that the Pubring.pgp file used by Statec was wrong. Another file solved the problem and even the abovementioned PIF-file and extra Autoexec.Nt were not needed anymore. It might however still be necessary in some cases to add the above-mentioned changed to any system with compromising commands in the default autoexec.nt file.

Chia paskutinis shiaudas kuriuom galiu padeti.
