Need help with translation regarding acting

Need help with translation regarding acting

Vienas bangietis parase man i privata - prase, kad isversciau pora zodziu. Jis neikerta angliskai, todel rasau ir lietuviskai. Nesu verteja, ir, kad visiems butu i nauda, paskelbiu jo prasyma cia EFC. Aciu. Gėlė

One bangietis wrote to me privately requesting help. I’d like to ask for all of EFC’s help, as I’m not a translator. He doesn’t know English, so please explain in Lithuanian, if you have anything to explain. Thanks. Gėlė





Nesu tikra, bet speju…

SUKURTI IR ATLIKTI VAIDMENI-> Form and complete the casting call

SUKURTI VAIDMENI -> Form the cast

SOKANCIO MOKYTOJO VAIDMENS SUKURIMAS -> The dancing instructor’s character’s creation

ATLIKTI "YOUNGSTER" VAIDMENI -> Perform a youngster’s character


Taip pat nesu verteja Nekaltas bet 2 paskutiniai ok Taip

Sukurti ir atlikti vaidmeni -> create and play/perform a role Nekaltas

Sukurti vaidmeni -> (again/vel) create a role (might be/galetu buti) a part (vaidmuo Nekaltas)

Nekaltas any more suggestions?

Tai kad jūs verčiat lietuviškai, tai yra pažodiniais lietuviškais atitikmenimis… Cha cha
Atlikti geriau ne perform ir juolab ne complete, o play. Nekaltas

Creation man irgi įtarimų kelia, bet po atostogų primiršau anglų ir geros mintys neateina.

Sukurti ir atlikti vaidmeni -> create? and play a role

ATLIKTI "YOUNGSTER" VAIDMENI -> to execute the part of youngster

O šiaip tai aš čia nieko nesuprantu ir grynai nusikalbu…Juokiasi


SUKURTI IR ATLIKTI VAIDMENI - to play/act/perform a role/part of smb. in


SOKANCIO MOKYTOJO VAIDMENS SUKURIMAS - to play the part of the dancing teacher

ATLIKTI "YOUNGSTER" VAIDMENI - to play/perform a youngster in

[quote]vk_ rašė: Tai kad jūs verčiat lietuviškai, tai yra pažodiniais lietuviškais atitikmenimis… Cha cha
O šiaip tai aš čia nieko nesuprantu ir grynai nusikalbu…Juokiasi

Aha - me, too! Liežuvis

Nemoku tu fraziu nei lietuviskai nei angliskai, tai tik belieka man pazodiniais isversti…

Tai gal gali pasiulyti kaip kitaip isversti?Liežuvis

I’m sorry but I have done my best. Liežuvis

Cia radau alkone:

to play - vaidinti, atlikti (vaidmenį, muzikos kūrinį);
to play the part of Cleopatra - vaidinti/atlikti Kleopatros vaidmenį
to play the role of Hamlet - vaidinti Hamletą

Cia radau ne alkone Šypsena:
to act - to perform a part in a play or film/movie
Have you ever acted? Most of the cast act well.
Who’s acting (= taking the part of) Hamlet?
She is acting the role of Juliet.
The play was well acted.

Taigi "atlikti" tinka bent jau shie - to play/to perform/to act

I’m sorry too, but i did’t ask you if you had done your best or not Liežuvis I asked you for a piece of advice how to translate a text, if word by word translation doesn’t suit you Nekaltas especially, when we have no wider context Mirkt

You can find my humble advice in the fourth post.
I think in this case we have not separate words but enough associated text. What do you need wider context for??? Mirkt