Do you like Mondays?

Do you like Mondays?

I wonder, is there human being, who likes Mondays. As for me I HATE IT, I HATE IT, I HATE IT!

Sometimes i love it,but usually -I HaTe It!!!

Sometimes it’s okay,but not now…Tomorrow will be absolutely bad dayNustebęs

Welll… If you hate mondays it means you hate what you are doing on monday…
Usualy its you just go to work…
In conclusion it would be logical to say that you hate your job…
Then how about doing something that you really like, make your dreams come trough…

Oh… And I do like mondays… Mirkt

Bingo!!! But what can I do. Change the job? That’s right. I have to do that. I have.I will. Taip

wow Apakęs Forum changed your life Apakęs Cha cha

Cha cha

Mondays blow. I hate them.

pirmadienis-tokia patm jkaip ir bet kuri kita savaites diena. kaip prasidejo, taip ir pasibaigs Cha cha

sometimes i hate mondays because it’s beging of week.sometimes i like it because it’s beging of new week.

kaip ziurau, artikeliai cia visuotinai ignoruojami Cha chaCha cha

it doesn’t matter Cha chaCha cha

tiesa sakant it does. jei apsimeti, kad moki kalba, tai nors apsimetinek tikroviskai. nes diletantizmas lenda per visus galus.

Thanks Olo for correcting our mistakes. I hope, you will go on with it.

as netaisau, tik kartais pasakau, akd tokios yraCha chakai jau kantrybes nebeuztenka Cha cha

"Tell me why I don’t like Monday? " Šypsena
It’s a good song Cha cha

But is a begining of new week.It’s a celebrate and we must celebrate Cha cha

But is a begining of a new week.It’s a celebration and we must celebrate

zmones mieli, nu nors elementarias gramatikos taisykles pasiziurekit… ir zodyne pasitikrinkit, kokiai kalbos daliai zodis priklauso. kad nebutu cirku, kai daiktavardzio vietoj veiksmazodis stovi. diletantai mlin… Cha chaCha chaCha cha

Monday is ending. It is so goood.