please help me with english words formation

please help me with english words formation

of course,there are some rules,but your ability to formate words depends on your feeling of language. Cha cha some people just learn words by heart… Nekaltas and i also think that you will never learn words formation without practicing.

hello Labas…i hawe one question for u… how i have to know what end of word i should write if i change word from verb to adjective or noun…? Nekaltasfor example:


persuasion… but maybe it is some rulls or something…because it is wery dificult to know all words formation Pavargęs Nekaltas… thanx for your help Mirkt

yeah, there are some rules, but sometimes you just have to learn that stuff. if i were you, i would search for some kind of grammar, besouse it’s quite hard to write everything here.