What do you think about chain mail? Do you believe in it?

What do you think about chain mail? Do you believe in it?

you don’t know until you try Mirkt

hohoho. i think i’ll make up a chain mail letter and send it to you all!!! Juokiasi

Kai paskutini karta kai as tai padariau tai ir man suveike. Nesijuok, as gi rimtai! Tiesiog padaryk TAI! Mano draugas tai padare si ryta. Jis norejo paaukstinimo ir siryt man paskambino ir pasake, kad gavo. As tikrai atsiprasau, bet tiesiog turiu tau tai pasakyti. Paskutini karta, kai issiunciau si e-mail"a, gavau antrakart ir iskarto sakau TAU. Padaryk TAI. Pagalvok apie tai, ko tu noretum… Labai labai noretum… Trokstum, kad nutiktu… Svajotum… Tu tikrai to noretum… Tas zmogus, kuris man pasiunte si laiska, pasake, jog tai atsitiko praejus vos 10min., kai perskaite… Todel as pagalvojau: “Kas per…burtai!!!” Todel siulau pabandyti ir tau… Taigi, atsiraitok rankoves ir skaityk INSTRUKCIJA apacioj… Sekmes!!! INSTRUKCIJA : Kaip matai, tave ka tik aplanke sis katinas su kepure. Dabar jis ispildys viena tavo nora. Kai jis suskaiciuos iki 10, sugalvok ta nora. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. SUGALVOJAI NORA? O DABAR- RAKTAS: Issiusk sita laiska 10 zmoniu per valanda, skaiciuojant nuo minutes, kai perskaitei. Jei taip ir padarysi, noras TIKRAI issipildys, jei ne- atsisuks priesingai!

So, what do you think about chain mail? I am sure you have received a lot of different ones, all promising something. What do you do? do you send it to people, or delete it?

I usually send it back to the sender and then press “delete” Laimingas

Juokiasi Gerai Gerai Gerai

Well, depends on my mood actually. When I feel I can play that, I do, but when I don’t feel like it, there’s always my good friend ‘delete’ button Cha cha

So let me guess- today you feel like playing? Cha cha Juokiasi

Vien per sian as gavau koki ~20 tu laisku, kaip pirmoj zinutej Pavargęs, nei vieno neskaiciau…visos zinutes istrinto, tik va temos netrinsiu Liežuvis

Hey, thanks! Cha chaBtw, credits for the inspiration go to Solarius Cha cha

i don’t believe in such stupidly naive mails Blogai Liežuvis Šypsena it’s so ridiculous Cha chaone my groupfriend was sending me such e-mails very often Pavargęs i was deleting them, but one day i got angry and wrote here back "stop sending me this shit Girtas" and she stoped Cha cha unfortunately sometimes i’m still getting something similar Pavargęs but not so often Juokiasi

send it to 10 of your friends? How about I cause massive internal and external bleeding via rusty spoon till you die and sell your cold corpse to the Chinese mafia which in turn will let flesh eating fireants down your anal hole and film it for internet viewnce… Yeah I hate these *bliamba*ed up emails.

actually it depends. for exaple if i receive the same message multiple times, i play along with one, then just delete the rest. but i’ve been getting too much of this recently, so just an accidental press of “delete” won’t do much harm now, would it? Cha cha

i don’t believe in such shit

you mean you will do all of those things if someone will not forward your chain mail? scary Baisu

And what 'bout chain sms? Cha chaDo you get them?On Christmas I’ve got a funny one.It was written : Ignoruoju Ignoruoju Ignoruoju Ignoruoju Ignoruoju These are are five asses of five elks and you must send it to five friends of yours,if you won’t the elks apshiks your new year Mirkt

Baisuluckily, sms is not popular in USA.

It isn’t? Apakęs

Hate it Veee