thank you <img border=0 src="i/xsmiles/angelas.gif" alt="Angelas">

thank you

good day to you all Cha cha on the behalf of the comittee of the Team Lithuania [team number 36816] i invite you to join the Folding@Home project as a part of our team Apkabinimas the idea of a project is to help scientists from Stanford university to fold the proteins. this will help to find cures in the future for lethal human diseases like cancer, alzheimer, mad cow and others, caused by wrong protein folding. please, join us, join the project! respect, good people Mirktsamurajus712

the homepage of the project is if you like movies then please check this: me and my colleagues are here: 36816 hope to see you soon Labas

kazkaip man nelabai noris jungtis i abejotina komanda ir atvert savo kompiuteri ir siela kazkokiem burzujam is uzsienio Nekaltas

dear frien Apkabinimas, you dare to doubt my team Apakęs Apakęs? Baisu you call “burzujas” people who succeeded with the help of God to produce the algorythm to reviel the protein folding and to prove the efficacy and accuracy of the method? Apakęs Apakęs well, i understand that Kietas Kietas but probably you will believe that me myself and friends of mine have been participating in this project for months and !!!never !!! experienced any violation of privacy or corruption in our lifes?.. Nekaltas i guarantee that it is safe, it is open to society and legal. Mirkt

su dievo pagalba? KAip istrauka is kokia viduramziu ritrerio soneto nuskambejo Nekaltas As zinoma juokauju del nepatikimumo, ale visvien isliksiu trumparegiu ciniku ir nesijungsiu, o ir siaip kokia gi mokslininkam nauda is mano senuko

our members of seimas and the prezident also swear in the presence of the nation in the name of God to blah blah blah and so on Kietas so that’s nothing new Liežuvis i will remember your cinism when your father starts suffering memory losses [Alzheimer] and your mother starts desperately shaking her head and hands [Parkinsons]. i tell you that because i have experienced that on myself. you can doubt in your strenght about your old pc but you shouldn’t stay apart of the project, which deals with proteins and their folding. keep it carefully in mind and don’t be cinic about people who you care about.

dabar vat skaitau i galvoju… samurajcikas pats patyre alzhaimeri ir parkinsona? nu tada jo, sutinku, jis asmeniskai suinteresuotas visokiais ten dalyvavimais Cha cha

hellou geys, my englisch is not god Flirtas Apkabinimas

Obviously. Tu turbūt nežinai, kad ka tik išvadinai visus homoseksualių pakraipų atstovais? Cha chaWell, they won’t have my computer.

not so obvious if being sincere Flirtas

na, zodis “gay” means linksmas Labas pvz “linksmu kaledu” galima sakyti "gay christmas Apkabinimas" merry- tai dziaugsmingas is tiesu Taip

that’s very sad to hear from you Nekaltas are you really so short-seeing? Nekaltas i’m disappointed… Sudužusi širdis

cinikas ne cinikas, bet tie tavo mokslininkeliai visvien suda isras pakol mano tevai ir as pats jau po velena gulesiu, o galimybes kazkur kazkam kazkaip vos vos padet ir turet sansu prisivaryt visokiu virusioku manes netraukia, man tavo zodis ne kiek nera patikimas, o ir siaip visad yra pirmas kartas. Neturiu as noro, kad kazkas po mano kompeli landziotu, apsieis ta tavo komanda ir be manes.

the head of the project in Stanford guarantees that folding " is safe for you and your computer". i can tell that 5 pc’s of my supervision have had some viruses and hardware malfunction, but everything is under control now and i do not really think that it was the folding who caused that. Ne simple internet using may damage your computer deadly if you do not use antivirus programs. Nekaltas thus i promisse you that program is top secure and no information about your pc is collected to run the project. you choose yourself which version of the program you download- win, linux, 98 or xp. you fully controll the soft- you can pause it, stop it, reduce resources, and uninstall safely. as it is to this point- it is your decision and your choice. the speed of the project increases 2 times, if the number of participating computers doubles. your input is not that little as you think.

ok, 10 reasons why you don’t join the folding. please, feel free: 1. …[inscribe]… 2. … camon. Nekaltas i need to know.

  1. you don’t know me. 2. you don’t trust me. 3. you have no time to deal with such “projects”. 4. you’re affraid to damage your pc. 5. …what?!..
  1. To put it bluntly I don’t care 2. I am lazy 3.
  1. I don’t trust this folding project 5. Only me and me alone can use my computer 6. your persistence irritates me Six points on why I WILL NOT join this project will suffice

Correct…. Then why do you persist? Find some other people who think that they can do something about it. And…good luck finding them

i’m just looking for that the ONLY one, who will join Cha cha of course it is not for the masses, the folding. only 200000 people have joined, that means less than panevezys ar siauliai, from the WHOLE world together… Nekaltas such an amount of computers could easily be located even in lithuania… but look- how many reasons to leave people sufferring and dieing, little kids being born and aborted with various disorders just because some protein folded wrongPiktas on the other hand i tried to find out how much the personal image counts on the willing and risking in such cases. a lot of friends of mine joined, and even more became my friends after joining… why i persist? Cha cha because i believe we will prevail. and such things are as gorgeous as the living itself, and it is worth of investment, it counts no doubt. Gerai

are you strong enough to kill a helpless sick and old man next to you, who is suffering Parkinson’s sindrome? he can’t walk, he can’t eat, he’s barely alive Gerai he doesn’t know, that there are computers and internet. he doesn’t know what the folding is. he probably doesn’t know his name, but let’s not mention it… so will you leave him to die, will you kill him [euthanasia] or will you join the folding project and fight the Parkinson’s disease ???

End his life. And I hope someone would do the same for me if the sittuation is reversed. Because folding or not, his life will not be improved even if anything is discovered. We’re years from having anything done. You’re very idealistic, you know that?